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推荐人:admim 时间: 2023-09-27 16:17:09 阅读: 次


前言: 关于”商家和消费者之间的信任“的英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:Trust between businesses and consumers。以下是关于商家和消费者之间的信任的专八英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。

关于”商家和消费者之间的信任“的英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:Trust between businesses and consumers。以下是关于商家和消费者之间的信任的专八英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。

关于”商家和消费者之间的信任“的英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:Trust between businesses and consumers。以下是关于商家和消费者之间的信任的专八英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Trust between businesses and consumers

For the young people now, online shopping is no longer just a few clicks of the mouse. You can buy what you want. It is the pursuit of the coolest new generation and can express yourself.

Therefore, fashion is not affected by the Internet. It is full of temptation and traps. It can meet your hopes and dreams.

It can destroy you almost overnight. Countless electronic cities attract eye Consumer goods are full of invisible things. For all businesses, the first thing waiting for them is the test of the market.

For consumers, the first thing to pay attention to is a two-way choice of fraud. Under each kind of damage, there are many electronic enterprises founded, more online consumption leaders are disappointed, and e-commerce encounters winter regulation in B2C market, Many e-commerce development strategies have been frustrated to varying degrees, as an article wrote: the first to call NASDAQ listed shopping search, "e" is the wind and cloud of an hour Kingdom, e country, from my split up, missing, comeback, disappear action, looking around, also in the lonely excellence and Dangdang net carrying a left wheel of B2C China private rights, And the price is almost not before the ancients. "After missing him" for this situation, is it that everyone is reluctant to see businesses ask: "what can I do to make consumers believe me?" consumers will also ask: "the business I want to do is not cheating".

The experience tells us that everyone is by the river today, where there must be a bridge. We are finally committed to the development of e-commerce in China Let consumers find a bridge for online shopping: the most important thing about B2C of Yaya BBS is "2". It can't be done by simple imagination.

If the intermediate link is not solved, B is very difficult to survive, and C should not be convenient. The "2" is related to C If the bridge between B is "bridge" and "traffic", it will be busy naturally. If "2" is "Tianxian", I believe that few people will take risks now.

BBS has established a close cooperative relationship with major online shopping malls. Online shopping can not only guarantee safety but also get preferential treatment through her. The bridge between B and C can solve the problem between businesses and consumers Information asymmetry situation, will be very good Chinese online shopping, this is YY founder forum.


网络购物对于现在的年轻人来说,已经不再是鼠标点击几下,你可以买到你想要的是最酷的新一族的追求,可以表现自己,因此,时尚不受网络的影响是一个充满诱惑也充满陷阱,它能满足你的希望和梦想,几乎一夜之间就毁了你,无数的电子城,吸引着眼球的消费品,充斥着让人看不到的东西,为所有的商家,等待他们的首先是市场的考验,对于消费者来说,首先要警惕的是一种欺诈的双向选择,每一种损害下都有:许多电子企业的创立,更多的在线消费已经下跌的领头羊感到失望,电子商务在B2C市场遭遇冬天的调控,众多电子商务的发展战略都受到不同程度的挫折,就像一篇文章所写的:最早喊到纳斯达克上市的购物做搜索,“E”是一个小时王国的风云E国,从我的分拆、失踪、卷土重来、消失行动、环顾四周,也在孤独的卓越和当当网背着一个左轮的B2C中国私权转来转去,而价格也几乎不在古人之前,“思念他之后”对于这种情况,是不是每个人都不愿意看到商家问:“我能做什么让消费者相信我”消费者也会问:“我想做的生意不是欺骗”的经验告诉我们,谁都是江边的今天,哪里一定有桥,我们终于致力于在中国发展电子商务,让消费者找到网上购物的桥梁:雅雅BBS的B2C,最重要的是“2”又如何,不是简单的想象就能做到的,如果中间环节不解决,B就很难生存,而C也不应该也方便“2”是与C B之间的桥梁,如果是“桥”又是“交通”,自然就忙了,如果“2”是“天仙”,相信现在很少有人会去冒险了,商家BBS与各大网上商城建立了密切的合作关系,网上购物既可以通过她来保证安全又可以获得优惠,通过B和C之间的桥梁很好的解决了商家和消费者之间信息不对称的情况,会很好的中文网上购物,这是yy的创始人论坛。


With the rapid development of contemporary society, a worrying problem has emerged, and the trust between individuals has declined. For example, when we meet a beggar with leg disability on the street, we are considering whether he is cheating us. In addition, in the business community, we consumers can not easily believe that these problems guaranteed by the businesses will lead to adverse consequences, especially It is in the business world, affected by these phenomena, that dishonesty is widespread.

We are becoming more and more cautious about the guarantee of others, even a word. This trend has caused great harm to the commodity economy. The root cause of these phenomena is the twisted psychology of money worship.

A large group of people hope to cheat customers by selling fake goods, but they inevitably do Therefore, the most important thing about honesty is that we ordinary citizens can eliminate the distrust caused by being honest and trusting others.




When it comes to cars, different people have different opinions. Some people think that cars have many advantages. First of all, driving can save time because of the fierce competition in this society.

Time is equal to money. Secondly, people can go shopping or travel in their spare time. However, some people think that cars are harmful to society.

For example, cars will increase air pollution and affect our life and life Production, at the same time, cars will exacerbate the energy crisis. In addition, with the increase in the number of cars, many new drivers don't obey the traffic rules. I think it will lead to traffic accidents.

We should drive when we are busy at work. At the same time, we should reduce driving at short distances or when we have a lot of time. We should use modern transportation facilities properly, so that our life will be colorful.



