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推荐人:admim 时间: 2023-09-27 18:07:22 阅读: 次


前言: 关于”咨询函“的英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:Consultation letter。以下是关于咨询函的专业英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

关于”咨询函“的英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:Consultation letter。以下是关于咨询函的专业英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

关于”咨询函“的英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:Consultation letter。以下是关于咨询函的专业英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Consultation letter

My interest in the position of Masonry Supply Manager prompted me to forward my resume to you for consideration. The position of sales manager published in the Chicago Tribune in October aroused my interest and I am sure you will find me qualified I want to find a responsible position in plant management, which prompted me to forward the attachment to you for consideration. I am writing to ask about the opportunity of computer programmer in your company.

Are you looking for a security expert? If I want to apply for this position, please I am interested in joining any company as a licensed electrician, which has prompted me to forward my resume to you for your review. I majored in mathematics at Rice University, where I also worked as a research assistant, and I believe that I will become a successful economic research department in your company. My resume is attached as suggested by Walter durane I am enclosing my resume about the vacancies that we have discussed in the marketing department of your company.

I would like to have a job, not any job company, but to have a special job in your company is my reason. Your organization is not just a company, it is in the eyes of the Chinese public The attention of human resource managers in organizations like many other young people, I'm looking for a position I want to start from scratch.


◆我对砌体供应经理一职的兴趣促使我将我的简历转发给你审阅一个考虑因素◆xx月在《芝加哥论坛报》上刊登的销售经理职位引起了我的兴趣,我相信你会发现我很有资格◆你在《杰克逊评论》(Jackson review)上xx月刊登的招聘广告要求招聘一名行政助理我有着丰富的管理技能背景,我想在工厂管理中找到一个负责任的职位,这促使我将附件转交给你考虑◆我写信是想询问贵公司计算机程序员的机会◆你目前是否正在寻找一名安全专家如果我想申请这个职位,维护或提升贵公司的安全性◆我有兴趣以持牌电工的身份加入任何一家公司,这促使我把我的简历转发给你审阅◆我在莱斯大学主修数学,在这里我也曾做过研究助理,我相信我会成为成功加入贵公司的经济研究部门◆根据沃尔特·杜拉内的建议,随函附上我的简历,供您考虑与任何公司的咨询或相关任务有关的事宜◆我随函附上我的简历,内容是我们在贵公司市场部讨论的空缺职位◆我想要一份工作,而不是任何一份工作公司但是在贵公司有一份特殊的工作是我的理由你的组织不仅仅是一家公司,它是中国公众心目中的一个机构人力资源经理的注意力像其他许多年轻人一样我正在寻找一个我想从头开始的职位。


Dear Ms. Anderson: I am looking for a position in data processing management. I am enclosing my resume for reference.

My background in data processing includes programming, systems ysis, project management, database management, and management information systems department management. I was an information center manager at Wilson company in Golem, New Hampshire, where I was responsible for planning, budgeting, organizing and managing the day-to-day operations of the Department. In addition to supporting all end-user computing on IBM mainframes and personal computers, I am also responsible for evaluating PC hardware and software, developing PC standards and policies, consulting PC application design, and maintaining host and PC security controls I am looking for a position in the range of $to $with no relocation restrictions if there are suitable vacancies in your business, I would appreciate the opportunity Meet with you and members, thank you for your consideration and hope you can receive your letter as soon as possible.

Your sincerity is yours, Richard r Reardon, Richard r Reardon.


尊敬的安德森女士:我正在寻找一个数据处理管理的职位,并随函附上我的简历,以供参考。我在数据处理方面的背景包括编程、系统分析、项目管理、数据库管理和管理信息系统部门管理,我曾在新罕布什尔州戈勒姆市威尔逊公司担任信息中心经理,负责规划、预算、组织和管理该部门的日常运营。除了支持IBM大型机和个人计算机上的所有最终用户计算外,我还负责评估PC机硬件和软件,制定PC标准和政策,咨询PC应用程序设计,维护主机和PC安全控制 我正在寻找一个在$到$范围内的职位,没有重新安置的限制 如果您的业务有合适的空缺,我将非常感谢有机会与您和成员见面感谢您的考虑,希望您能尽快收到您的来信,您的真挚是您的,Richard R Reardon,Richard R Reardon。


The verb consult has three different meanings, so there are three different ways to express it. Make sure your grammar and sentence structure match what you want. Consult is a transitive verb, which means it needs an object to consult the calculation error.

Is the employer obliged to consult the employee representative before the pay cut? You can also refer to the dictionary, the hundred If you don't know how to spell a word, consult the dictionary always put the person or thing consulted after the word consult For example, the employer must consult the employee's representative about the salary reduction. For example: he looked up the internship information on the company's website, and you can only use it when the consultant discusses something. In this case, it is an intransitive verb, so you can't consult his lawyer for a few minutes before returning to the meeting.

He retired last year and is still consulting with his old company bebec.


动词consult有三种不同的含义,因此有三种不同的表现方式确保你的语法和句子结构与你想要的意思相匹配consult是一种及物动词,这就意味着它需要一个对象咨询计算错误雇主有义务在减薪前咨询雇员代表吗雇主有义务在减薪前咨询雇员代表你也可以查阅字典、百科全书或任何其他书面参考资料例如:如果你不知道如何拼写一个单词,请咨询字典里总是把被咨询的人或事放在consult这个词后面:consultconsult error我们建议向劳资协商会咨询交易对吧我们建议就交易咨询劳资协商会这样的句子,consult with是不正确的,而应使用about或for consultwhat for consults for bouther for consults for bouther for bouther例如:雇主必须向雇员代表咨询有关减薪的问题。例如:他在公司网站上查阅了有关实习的信息,你只能在咨询人讨论某件事时使用在这种情况下,它是一个不及物动词,所以你不能在consultconsultwithconsultwithconsultwith例如:他在回到会议前咨询了他的律师几分钟。consultconsultfor例如:他去年退休了还在为他的老公司Bebec咨询。
