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推荐人:admim 时间: 2023-09-27 18:10:25 阅读: 次


前言: 关于”音乐“的英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:music。以下是关于音乐的初一英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。




Jazz originated from the combination of Western and African musical traditions, including spirituals, blues and ragtime, religious hymns, rustic music and European military band music in West Africa, West Sahel and New England. These music originated from African American community in the early 20th century. After the jazz style spread in the s, it influenced other music styles The origin of the word is still uncertain.

Its root is American slang. All kinds of derivatives indicate that jazz originated from blues music. Blues is the folk music of enslaved Africans and their descendants in the south of the United States.

It is influenced by West African culture and music tradition. With the migration of black musicians to cities, jazz musician Winton Marsalis said:“ Jazz was invented by black people. Turning the aristocracy of this race into Vocal Jazz has all the elements, from superfluous and penetrating to complex and wrapping the instruments used.

In marching and dancing bands at the turn of the century, music became the basic instruments of jazz: brass, reed and drum. Using western scales, "black musical spirit (including rhythm and melody) broke out of European music tradition[ Although the performers used European style instruments, the small band composed of black musicians played a pioneering role in the funeral procession of New Orleans. The expression and dissemination of early jazz in the black communities in the South and the northern cities were mainly completed by Self-taught musicians, that is, black learning The school's postwar network, as well as civil society and the expansion of mainstream education opportunities, have produced more formally trained African American musicians Lorenzo Dior and Scott Joplin, who were educated in the form of European classical music.

Joplin, the son of a former slave and a free born woman of color, was self-taught to a large extent until When he took the music theory foundation course, black musicians with formal musical skills helped preserve and spread the basic improvisation style of jazz.




My s often regard some hobbies as a way to enjoy life. They get great pleasure from it, even for those who do the same monotonous work all day long. Hobbies provide all kinds of fun for their daily life.

They help people relax under pressure and get a state of peace, and give me a lot Love, but the most important thing is listening to music. The music world is beautiful. Your mood will change with the mood of music.

When I have so much homework to do and I am very tired, concerts help me overcome these pains. On the other hand, music can also help me make more and more friends, because many people like music. If someone likes songs like you, you and he or she may become friends now.

This is a very interesting and interesting sentence, by sharing some common ideas with others With the same hobby, you can make more friends and get more fun from life. Similarly, immersing yourself in the things you like provides a simple way to understand it. No one is really happy.

No hobbit, rich or poor, old or young, sick or healthy, can enjoy a satisfactory happiness. It will make your life more and more happy.




Confucius: "if the name doesn't live up to the name, words will not ring. If it is true, then nothing can be done. Then music and music will not be out of date.

It is not a penalty kick, nor is it a gentleman who has no mistakes in the public hands. Who will say it there, but we must make it possible for you to make it possible. If you don't have a good name, you can see how important it is The name of a scholar often represents one's taste, ambition and personality.

If a civilian's name does not contain only his mood, we will ask whether his personality is complete and whether the shop name and signboard store sell sub watches. What are the differences between them.


