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推荐人:admim 时间: 2023-09-27 19:03:23 阅读: 次


前言: 关于”泰国“的英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:Thailand。以下是关于泰国的八年级英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。




Dai, Tai, Dai (or Chinese Thai, Chinese: Pinyin: D ǎ I) Z ú, also known as Dai Lue, is the official name of a nationality in Xishuangbanna Dai Autonomous Prefecture and Dehong Dai Jingpo autonomous prefecture (both in the south of Yunnan Province, China, and also in Laos, Vietnam, Thailand and Myanmar). Dai is one of the ethnic minorities officially recognized by the people's Republic of China, and has a close relationship with the majority of Thai people in Thailand, although the Dai nationality is recognized by China Officially recognized as a single ethnic group, the Dai people have formed several different cultural and linguistic groups. Among the two main languages, Dai (Xishuangbanna Dai) and Dai (Dehong Dai), the other two written languages used by Dai people in China are Thai language and Taida language (black Dai language).

They are both Thai. A group of related languages includes Thai, Lao and Dai Zhuang language, Dai nationality is part of taiga Dai language family. Dai people follow their traditional religion and Theravada Buddhism, and maintain similar customs and festivals (for example, Songgu, for other Thai speaking people, they are one of the few indigenous groups in China that nominally practice the Shangbu Buddhism sect.

The Dai people are typical farmers. They grow various tropical crops, In addition, many Dai people live near the Mekong River, which meanders through the far south of Yunnan Province.


傣泰傣族(或中国泰人中文:拼音:Dǎi Zú,也称为傣略)是西双版纳傣族自治州和德宏傣族景颇族自治州(都在中国云南省南部,也在老挝、越南、泰国和缅甸)的一个民族的官方认可名称傣族是中华共和国正式承认的少数民族之一,与在泰国占多数的泰国人有着密切的关系,虽然傣族被中国国家正式承认为一个单一的民族,但傣族形成了几个不同的文化和语言群体,这两种主要语言傣族中有傣族(西双版纳傣族)和傣族(德宏傣族)傣族在中国使用的另外两种书面语言是泰邦语和泰达语(黑傣语),它们都是泰语,一组相关的语言,包括泰语、老挝语和壮语,傣族是太噶傣语系的一部分,傣族人遵循他们的传统和上座部佛教,并保持着类似的习俗和节日(例如,松鼓,对其他讲泰语的人来说,他们是中国少数几个名义上实践上座部佛教流派的土著群体中的一员傣族人是典型的农民,他们种植各种热带作物,如菠萝,此外,许多傣族人生活在湄公河附近它蜿蜒穿过遥远的云南南部。


Thailand is a country located in the southwest of China. Generally speaking, the climate in different parts of Thailand is different. The climate there is warm and rainy.

If I have the opportunity, I will go to Thailand, because in my opinion, it is my dream to experience a different culture and visit different countries. To some extent, you will find that many new things are always discovered by those who like to travel around the world.




The kingdom of Thailand, referred to as Thailand, is a constitutional monarchy in Southeast Asia. It is located in the central part of Indochina Peninsula, bordering Myanmar and Andaman Sea in the north, Laos in the northeast, Cambodia in the southeast and Malaysia in the south. It is a member and founder of Thailand, a member of the association of East South Asian Nations (ASEAN), Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC), Asia Europe Meeting (ASEM) and WTO Members of the organization.


