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推荐人:admim 时间: 2023-09-27 19:31:08 阅读: 次


前言: 关于”解决方法“的英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:resolvent。以下是关于解决方法的高考英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。




Generation gap was a fashion a few years ago. Parents complained that their children did not show due respect and obedience. When children complained that their parents did not understand them at all, many critics thought it was an integral part of our society.

One reason for the generation gap is that young people have the opportunity to choose their own life in traditional society, the life of children and their parents In the same region, people often marry people they know and recognize, and often continue their family career in our society. People often move out of their homes at a very young age, marry or live with people their parents have never met, and choose different occupations in our upward mobile society. Parents often expect their children to be better than them.

However, for children, they are more likely to live with their children These ambitions are another reason for their division. They often find that they have little in common. The speed of change in our society is another reason.

In traditional culture, people value wisdom, but in our society, a lifetime of knowledge may become obsolete. Young people and old people seem to live in two very different worlds, separated by different skills and abilities. There is no doubt that the generation gap will remain a feature of our lives for some time to come.

Its root causes lie in the and opportunity of our society, as well as the speed of social change.




When you face difficulties, what kind of attitude will you take? Or when anyone will insist at the beginning, but will give up in the end, you only need to try again. As far as I am concerned, you overcome it. Edison is a successful example, because of his persistence, he did a lot of experiments before he invented the light bulb, in those experiments, many times Failure faced with difficulties, if he chose to give up, he would not be such a great scientist in history.

What can we learn from him? Obviously, never give up and face difficulties easily. Success is inseparable from hard work. I remember learning to ride a bike when I was seven.

A few minutes later, my sister pushed my bike to help me ride. A few minutes later, she asked me to ride my bike. I fell to the ground.

She asked me to try again. I tried my best to ride. For me, this is a happy memory.

No one knows how happy you will be. After you try your best to succeed, until you succeed. That is to say, when you are faced with difficulties, don't give up easily.

Maybe you just have to try again to get the fruits of victory.





In recent days, we have to face a more and more serious problem. Secondly, facing a problem, we should take a series of effective measures to deal with this situation. Finally, as far as I am concerned, I believe that a bright future is waiting for us.


