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推荐人:admim 时间: 2023-09-27 19:51:52 阅读: 次


前言: 关于”去泰国“的英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:To Thailand。以下是关于去泰国的初二英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

关于”去泰国“的英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:To Thailand。以下是关于去泰国的初二英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

关于”去泰国“的英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:To Thailand。以下是关于去泰国的初二英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:To Thailand

Next Monday I will go shopping in Thailand with my family, so I will go shopping in Thailand with my family, eat delicious food and climb mountains. I think that must be very interesting. I hope that day will come soon, because I can't wait for you to go where.




This year's Spring Festival travel story, I went to Thailand, the first day we stayed in the first hotel for five days, we made a mistake, that morning was very interesting, we got up very early, because our guide told us that we must be together, the restaurant opened at 6:30, but when we entered the restaurant, there were few people and food, when we had breakfast and finished there Because there was almost no food for us to eat, we just had porridge, and then we waited for the guide, but until he didn't show up, we called him, we asked him why he didn't show up, he laughed after hearing that, and then he said, "just now" we made a mistake, we know there is an hour gap between Thailand and China, so we got up early About an hour, but in fact it was later in Thailand than in China, so that morning, we got up at 4:00 in Thailand.




Located in the heart of Southeast Asia, Thailand is a natural gateway to Indochina, Burma and southern China. Its shape and geography is divided into four natural regions: mountains and forests in the north, paddy fields in the central plain, semi-arid farmland in the Northeast plateau and tropical islands. The coastline of Thailand's southern peninsula has more than 70 provinces, which are divided into districts, districts and villages.

Bangkok is the capital and the center of political, commercial, industrial and cultural activities. It is also the seat of Thailand's respected royal family. His majesty is recognized as the head of state, the head of the armed forces, a supporter of Buddhist belief and a supporter of all religions.

Google travel is in the Kingdom of Thailand.


泰国位于东南亚的心脏地带,是通往印度、缅甸和中国南部的天然门户。它的形状和地理分为四个自然区域:北部的山脉和森林、中部平原的稻田、东北高原的半干旱农田和热带岛屿泰国南部半岛绵延的海岸线有七十多个省,分为区、区和村。曼谷是首都和、商业、工业和文化活动的中心,也是泰国受人尊敬的皇室所在地,国王陛下被公认为国家元首、武装首脑、佛教信仰的拥护者和所有的拥护者google travel在泰国王国。
