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推荐人:admim 时间: 2023-09-27 19:56:41 阅读: 次


前言: 关于”玩的开头“的英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:The beginning of play。以下是关于玩的开头的小学英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

关于”玩的开头“的英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:The beginning of play。以下是关于玩的开头的小学英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

关于”玩的开头“的英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:The beginning of play。以下是关于玩的开头的小学英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:The beginning of play

In modern society, video games are very popular among students. Many people are very interested in it. Some people regard it as a kind of small game.

When they have time, they will play games, but some people are addicted to playing video games. They play it all day. So they not only learn poorly but also lead to poor health.

I think we'd better stay away from video games to have them A healthy body and a satisfactory study of "F" >"F" >video games are becoming more and more popular. Some students are interested in it and even addicted to it. They spend more time on it than on their study.

I don't think students should say goodbye. When you are tired, you can find time to play, but if you are a person who lacks self-control, you'd better not touch it.




In recent years, many students give up learning and focus on playing online games. I really don't agree with students playing games, because when you play games, at first you think you are just taking a break, but later you will find that playing games is very interesting and you will never forget it. When you play games, you will concentrate on playing them.

In one class, you can't hear the teacher say that your head is full of games, so I believe that students should not play online games.




Game: "Hello, I'm" tbus stop, Hello, I'm David S1: Hi, I'm Li Lei, Commander: Hi, Li Lei, here's your ticket S1: Thank you T & S1 & C: dudubus Stop game goodbye goodbye game good morning Hello I'm fine thank you bye game stop game find blue game how many games stand up sit sit down stand up stand up stand up Say, "what's this?" "What's this? It's a game: what's this? What's this game: happy birthday? This is your gift. I'm here. It's your gift.

Happy birthday. This is my game. He's a doctor, a driver, a policeman, a nurse, a farmer, a teacher.

He's a game. He finds her eyes. His game is her game big, small B, small game, arm, big, cat, dog, elephant, fat , OK, hat, it, July, kite, look, monkley, nose, orange, pupil, Queen, red, school, teacher, on, very, what, X-ray, yellow, zoo games I like he likes toy boats he likes toy boats he doesn't like toy boats he doesn't like toy boats he doesn't like toy boats I like toy boats I like toy boats I don't like toy boats she I like toy boats.

She doesn't like toy boats. She doesn't like toy boat games. I like or dislike him.

He likes her. He likes eyes. She doesn't like her.

She doesn't like Lucy rice noodles. Fish. Salt and pepper.

I like and don't like abagama bingo rice, noodles, meat, oranges, apples, pears, mangoes, bananas, chocolate bingo games. Bingo bingo game when is it, Mr. wolf It's time for dinner.

Time games, food, people, toys, apples, oranges, pears, bananas, mangoes, Barbie dolls, jigsaw puzzles, toy cars, teddy bears, rice, meat, noodles, fish, milk, chocolate, teachers, doctors, nurses, farmers, drivers, sisters, dad put your left hand on the English game. What time is it? Games winter, spring, summer, Autumn I'm short, I'm tall, faster, up and down now sit down and touch the ground winter spring: Summer: autumn, I'm short, I'm growing faster, faster, up and down now sit down and touch the ground game, this is hot and hot game, I have my game, I have my game, she has her + A, a, s, some games: he, she has I have a game, she is playing a game, she is playing a game, she is playing a game Play? Do you have my ball? No, it's not numbered game: bingo game: bingo game: bingo game in the game, bingome game game, what is glass tile.


游戏:“你好,我是”TBus站住,你好,我是大卫S1:嗨,我是李雷指挥:嗨,李雷,这是你的票S1:谢谢T&S1&C:DuduBus stopGame“再见”“拜拜”游戏“早上好”“你好”“我很好谢谢”“再见”游戏“停”游戏“你叫什么名字”“我是”游戏“找到蓝色”游戏游戏游戏多少个游戏“站起来”“坐下”-“坐下”“站起来”游戏:“指向”西蒙潘潘说“指向他”指向“Panpansays”潘潘说“这是什么?”“这是什么这是一个游戏:这是什么这是什么游戏:生日快乐这是你的礼物我在这是你的礼物生日快乐这是我的游戏他是医生,司机,,护士,农夫老师,他是一个游戏,他找到了她的眼睛他的游戏是她的游戏大,小B小游戏游戏手臂,大,猫,狗,大象,胖胖,好,帽子,它,xx月,风筝,看,蒙克里,鼻子,橙色,小学生,皇后,红色,学校,老师,上,非常,什么,X光,,动物园游戏我喜欢他喜欢玩具船他喜欢玩具船他不喜欢玩具船他不喜欢玩具船他不喜欢玩具船我喜欢玩具船我喜欢玩具船我不喜欢玩具船她喜欢玩具船她不喜欢玩具船她不喜欢玩具船游戏我喜欢不喜欢他喜欢他喜欢她他喜欢眼睛,她他不喜欢,她他不露西米粉肉鱼盐胡椒,我喜欢不喜欢阿巴伽马宾果米饭,面条,肉,橘子,苹果,梨,芒果,香蕉,巧克力宾果游戏宾果宾果游戏什么时候了,狼先生一点钟晚餐时间到了,时间游戏食物,人,玩具苹果,橘子,梨,香蕉,芒果,芭比娃娃,拼图,玩具车,泰迪熊,米饭,肉,面条,鱼,牛奶,巧克力,老师,医生,护士,农夫,司机,姐姐,爸爸把你的左手放在英语游戏上几点了几点了游戏冬天,春天,夏天,秋天我矮了,我高得更快,更快,上下现在坐下来摸地冬天春天:夏天:秋天,我矮了,我长得更快,更快,上上下下现在坐下来摸地上的游戏这是热的酷热的游戏我有我的游戏我有游戏她有她有+a,a,s,一些游戏::他她有我有游戏,她正在做一个游戏她在做游戏吗?你有我的球吗?没有它编号吗游戏:宾果游戏:Bingobingoame bingow在游戏中,bingome游戏游戏abmondeyyellow什么是玻璃平铺的。
