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推荐人:admim 时间: 2023-09-27 21:18:24 阅读: 次


前言: 关于”生活的艺术“的英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:The art of life。以下是关于生活的艺术的初一英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。

关于”生活的艺术“的英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:The art of life。以下是关于生活的艺术的初一英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。

关于”生活的艺术“的英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:The art of life。以下是关于生活的艺术的初一英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:The art of life

Art has always been a highly respected discipline in our world. Art exists in all aspects of our lives, whether in architecture, cooking, or even etiquette. Art distorts our daily life because it caters to our perception and reaction to things.

Our ancient history proves that art leads us to the modern world, progress, and happy leanardo DaVinci and Michael langelo are just one of the many proofs of this eternal truth. One of the joys of majoring in art is that I can learn to distinguish the beauty of life. Art majors teach me how to appreciate the beauty of our world every day, and the recognition of the rich and ordinary miracles in our lives is just one way to deepen our feelings and values of the earth The kind of fun is that I can create art, in short, to create happiness.

The ability to do so will greatly satisfy my personal desire to contribute to life and will help others see what they cannot see.



我们的古代历史证明,艺术引领我们走向了现代世界,进步了,而快乐的Leanardo DaVinci和Michaelangelo仅仅是这个永恒真理的众多证明中的一个,主修艺术的乐趣之一就是我可以学会辨别生活的美丽,艺术专业教我如何欣赏我们这个世界上每天的美丽,而对我们生活中丰富的平凡奇迹的辨别是公正的加深我们对地球的情感和价值观的一种方式另一种乐趣是我可以创造艺术,简单地说,创造幸福。这样做的能力将极大地满足我个人对生活贡献的渴望,也将帮助他人看到他们看不到的东西。


Film is a kind of modern art developed by combining activity and slide art with neuroscience. It is a comprehensive art that can accommodate literature, drama, photography, painting, music, dance and art. However, it also has the artistic characteristics of a single act film.

In terms of artistic expression, it not only has many other artistic features, but also can use montage's powerful art technology Qiao, with modern scientific and technological achievements as tools and materials, has formed a film that surp all other means of artistic expression. By means of creating visual image and lens, it has formed the space and time in the picture, the big action in form and the concrete image of reality. The modern art film reflecting social life can accurately restore the real world and give people a personal experience Like the scene features of the movie, the touching of the scene can satisfy people's desire for a broader and more real life.




My college life when I went to Art University, I was very happy that I could almost draw my paintings. I was an easygoing person, had more friends and enjoyed life. Sometimes I went shopping and liked to eat.

I always talked about my paintings. What I drew was a sketch, not a basic sketch. What I drew was some plaster statues that were difficult to draw.

I had a lot of imagination about art, and one day I would be I had a dream. I would paint our dream. I also studied some design and watercolor oil painting.

Sometimes I wear some clothes that are a little different. They look very fashionable. Some people seem very independent because of art.

I dress completely different from others. I have a passion for our art. I will try our best to do some art.

I spend almost all my time Love art and life, I also like music. When will the topic of art be very happy? College life gives me more happiness, because art, I can draw pictures, read some books about art, I can imagine everything for my art, and I am very lucky to go to Art University and like it very much.


