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推荐人:admim 时间: 2023-09-27 22:53:40 阅读: 次


前言: 关于”对话“的英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:dialogue。以下是关于对话的高一英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。




I want to tell me, if you don't want to, let me know today, your y mouth makes me silly, I just want to tell you, I always love you g: (surprised) what is that (her fingers pointing to the sky) a UFO (the boys are looking at the sky) goodbye (run).




A bcba: Hi, time's gone. How are you? Recently B: I'm fine. You: me, tuso, what's your plan? Weekend: I'm not.

I haven't thought about why not. Play basketball together. MEB: but where: in the city of ristadion: yes? There are extra ones.

Of course I can. Harvey: OK, it's a della: Recently, I'm thinking about what to do after work. I want to go Gym.

I'm not a member. Do you know who's a member? B: C doesa, can you persuade him to bring me here? TREB: of course, it's mine. Thank you: it's OK.


甲bcba:嗨,时间不见了,你好吗最近乙:我我很好你啊:我,图索,你有什么计划周末:我没有我可没想过为什么不呢一起打篮球meb:但是在哪里:在城市里斯塔迪昂:是吗有额外的当然可以我哈维:好的,是一个迪拉:最近,我在考虑下班后应该做什么,我想去体育馆吧我不是会员你知道谁是会员吗成员B:c doesa你能说服他带我来吗特雷布:当然,是我的谢谢你:没关系。


The following dialogue is based on the above, using the same characters. In the conversation, Jane sees that the conversation is meaningless. When she returns, she tries to walk away from the conversation, leaving the part before the break unchanged.

But, this time Jane had to work with the company, so she couldn't go away, she had to find a way to make the deal work, so she tried a silly answer. The following conversation was in thunderbolt Bob: Well, if you want to sell me your DVD player, you have to accept my offer, we have a de aldev Jane: I'm afraid not, Bobbie really doesn't have more room for maneuver You have to do this to raise the price a little more. Many Jane, I told you, judging from the current business situation, the Korean people are dumping products in our market.

The economy is sluggish, and our market share in the past three quarters has declined. If we pay you Pu: Bob, you hurt my heart, but my hand is also iron. My boss told me not to put these units in I can't go any lower than it.

I've offered you two counteroffers. You haven't moved. How can I say I'm willing to cooperate with you? You can say "accept my offer." Bob: Yes, it's a good price.

We've tried our best. You see, We've been here for more than seven hours, and we're not close to reaching an agreement. I suggest we finish today and try again tomorrow.

If you think we have something to talk about, morrow Bob: maybe you are. Listen, this is not an official offer. I don't have the right to go any higher.

But I'll discuss with my people this evening to see if we can do what I said Bob: Bob, you know I need two and a half dollars, that's OK. I know, But don't forget, this is not an offer. I don't have the right to bid any more.

I just thought, maybe my people will allow me to put forward this. When you talk to them, I suggest you discuss some larger numbers, and I will call Taiwan.



