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推荐人:admim 时间: 2023-09-27 23:40:35 阅读: 次


前言: 关于”写回信的写作材料及“的英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:Writing materials and。以下是关于写回信的写作材料及的托福英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。

关于”写回信的写作材料及“的英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:Writing materials and。以下是关于写回信的写作材料及的托福英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。

关于”写回信的写作材料及“的英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:Writing materials and。以下是关于写回信的写作材料及的托福英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Writing materials and

TPOTPO Tpo1 in the United States, employees usually work five days a week and eight hours a day, but many employees want to work four days a week and are willing to accept less pay. This is a mandatory policy that requires companies to provide employees with the choice of working four days a week and four fifths of the normal working hours). Compensation will benefit the economy as a whole, as well as individual companies and decision-makers Employees.

Offering employees the option to work four days a week will not affect the company's profits, economic situation or employees' lives. Just as the data shows that shortening the work week will increase the company's profits, employees will feel more rested and alert, so they will make fewer mistakes in their work and employ more employees to ensure that the same amount of work will not lead to additional wage costs Because the salary of four-day employees will only be a few percent of the final company's normal wage rate, reduce overwork and error e employees, and the money will increase the welfare of the company in the first place. Working four days a week may force companies to spend more money to add new employees, which means more money to provide training and medical benefits.

Remember, the cost of things like health benefits is possible. The same thing, whether an employee works four or five days and has more employees, also needs more office space and more computers It's going to cut the company's profits very quickly.


TPOTPO TPO1在美国,员工通常每周工作5天,每天工作8小时,但许多员工希望每周工作4天,并愿意接受更少的薪酬,这是一项强制性政策,要求公司为员工提供每周工作4天、工作时间为正常水平的五分之四)的选择薪酬将有利于整个经济,也有利于个别公司和决定选择的员工。向员工提供每周工作四天的选择,不会影响公司利润、经济状况或员工的生活,正如数据显示缩短工作周会增加公司利润一样因为员工会感到更加休息和警觉,因此他们在工作中犯的错误会更少,雇佣更多的员工来确保完成同样数量的工作不会导致额外的工资成本,因为四天制员工的工资只会是最终公司正常工资率的百分之几减少过度工作和容易出错的员工,而这些钱首先会增加公司的福利。每周工作四天可能会迫使公司花更多的钱来增加新员工意味着要投入更多的钱来提供培训和医疗福利记住,像健康福利这样的东西的成本是可能的同样的,无论一个员工工作4天还是5天,并且拥有更多的员工,也需要更多的办公空间和更多的计算机这些额外的成本会很快削减公司的利润。


In this year, material composition and age are not closely combined. People think it is "failure". I do not agree.

Chinese writing is not a political issue, nor a technical issue or a historical issue, but a problem of students' thinking and expression. Therefore, we should keep up with the trend of the times, but there are some philosophical themes. This will be a trend of writing materials in the future This trend also exists in the article.




One possible version: no gain can be achieved without pain. As the above material shows dramatically, every effort we make will pay off one day. Let's expect harvest, especially in our study.

Once I fail to pass the mid-term exam, because I've been addicted to computer games and never been there After that, I took the time to do the necessary preparation. I decided to get myself out of the game and concentrate on what I should do. I succeeded in the final exam, and the reason why I ranked first in my class best explained the immortal truth of "get nothing, get nothing, once and for all".

I was addicted and focused.


