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推荐人:admim 时间: 2023-09-27 23:52:32 阅读: 次


前言: 关于”清单“的英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:detailed list。以下是关于清单的托福英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

关于”清单“的英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:detailed list。以下是关于清单的托福英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

关于”清单“的英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:detailed list。以下是关于清单的托福英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:detailed list

How to budget your money? Most students can't make ends meet at the end of each month, not because they don't have enough money, but because of their careless way. Because of this, we should develop good consumption habits. One of the effective ways is to budget our money responsibly.

How can we manage it? First of all, we need to calculate the total amount of money we have. Only the exact number is possible to carry out the following steps. The second step is to make a detailed and comprehensive list.

According to where the money is spent, divide the money into several parts, such as food, clothing, transportation, and so on. Note that the items on the list should not be too generous or too detailed. Then, remember Write down the cost of each day and compare it with the list.

If necessary, check your list to make it more reasonable. For example, you need to arrange more money at the beginning of each semester to buy books. When December comes, when the list is completed, the cost of gifts will be higher than usual.

Try your best to balance the budget from joozonecom. In addition, a good list should include a special budget in case of emergency, so that when accidents happen, there will not be so much money trouble. Budget is not the work of those rich people, but more of an attitude problem.

As long as you learn to plan your money carefully, use the right method and positive attitude, you will live a rich life.





Cash on delivery, when an item is delivered to inventory goods and materials that a company can sell and deliver immediately, the cost of the item will be paid. The quantity of goods and materials in stock (inventory, also a detailed, itemized list, report, or record of products owned by the company), a reserve supply or accumulation of outstanding orders resulting from an investigation of all goods and materials in the inventory, providing detailed information and a description of the date of shipment of the goods, the date the order actually begins to quote to the destination A document issued by the carrier to the shipper setting out and confirming the receipt for the carriage of the goods and specifying the terms of delivery. An invoice for the shipment of goods or services provided A detailed list, including an account of all expenses, a detailed bill receipt, a written confirmation stating that a particular article, a sum of money, or goods have been received by a revocable letter of credit, is the most commonly used method of payment for imports, the exporter guarantees payment at the time of shipment, and the importer is sure that the goods have been issued shipping documents in accordance with their instructions Documents received by the division.

The following terms are usually used in foreign quotation transactions: fobfree on board price includes all costs of goods on board the ship or on board aircraft, and the contract price at destination includes the cost, insurance and freight to the designated port of destination in the buyer's country. The price includes the goods, transportation (freight and insurance for transportation through containers to the designated destination in the buyer's country).


,当一个项目被交付到一个公司可以立即销售和交付的库存货物和材料时,该项目的成本将被支付。库存货物和材料的数量(库存,也是一个详细的,逐项的清单,报告,或公司拥有的产品的记录,根据对库存中所有货物和材料的调查产生的一种储备供应或未完成订单的积累提供有关货物装运日期的详细信息和说明的文件装运日期订单实际开始向目的地报价的日期正式规定的货物价格基本价格公布或公布的价格折扣从价目表价格的全部或标准金额中扣除,或从装运货物的实例中,或从一起装运的货物数量中扣除的一种由承运人签发给托运人的单据,列明和确认运输货物的收据并指明交货条件装运货物或提供的服务的详细清单,包括所有费用的帐目一份详细的帐单收据一份书面的确认书,说明一个特定的物品,一笔钱,或货物已收到可撤销信用证,最常用于进口的付款方式出口商在装运货物时保证付款,并且进口商确信货物已经按照他们的指示发出了装运单据出口商从船运公司收到的文件。以下术语通常用于国外报价交易:FOBFree On船上价格包括船上或飞机上货物的所有费用,目的地在合同价格包括到买方国家指定目的港的成本、保险费、运费。



Dear XXX, thank you for your support for our better cooperation in the past year. We hope all payments can be completed by the end of the year. Please provide information.

The payment list and details are attached. Please arrange the balance in time. Thank you for your help.

We need your understanding. Happy New Year and best wishes to you.


