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推荐人:admim 时间: 2023-09-27 23:55:33 阅读: 次


前言: 关于”我有很大的改变“的英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:I've changed a lot。以下是关于我有很大的改变的初三英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

关于”我有很大的改变“的英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:I've changed a lot。以下是关于我有很大的改变的初三英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

关于”我有很大的改变“的英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:I've changed a lot。以下是关于我有很大的改变的初三英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:I've changed a lot

How have I changed since I went to junior high school? This is my third year in junior high school. I have made a lot of changes. From this year on, I not only realize how important learning is to me, but also understand the importance of education.

If there is no good education, you will not have the chance of success. Now I am studying hard and studying hard. Recently, I found that in all the learning, English is the most important Is one of the most important studies, if you want to try your job in a foreign company or if I want to expand my horizons and have a greater ambition, English will be the most important study.

I need to master this point, which is why I work harder on this issue. I hope to achieve a good result and look forward to a better future. This is my performance in this junior high school.




In the past few years, I have changed a lot, many years ago, when I was still in primary school, I was very outgoing, but now I am very quiet, so when I was very young, you can see that it is different now, I am taller than before.




Mobile phones are like part of the body, according to research firm Synovate. A global survey has found that most people can't do without their mobile phones. If they have a choice, they would rather lose their wallets and call their mobile phones the "remote control" of life.

In an online survey in several countries, three-quarters of respondents said they would carry mobile phones with them everywhere, with Russians and Singaporeans being the most popular. More than a third of the respondents also said that they could not live without a mobile phone, with the largest number of Taiwanese and Singaporeans, and a quarter of them would find it more difficult to change their mobile phones than their wallets. Two thirds of the respondents go to bed with their mobile phones nearby.

Even if they want to turn them off, they can't turn them off because they are afraid of missing something that "mobile phones bring us security." security and instant access to information are the number one communication tools for us, sometimes even more than face-to-face communication - they are our connection with life, "said Synovate, Taiwan Jenny, managing director In a statement, mobiles has also changed the nature of relationships. The survey found that nearly half of the respondents used text messages to flirt, one-fifth used text messages for their first date, and almost the same number ended a love conflict in the same way. In addition to obvious phone calls and text messages, the top three most commonly used by people around the world are mobile The main function is alarm clock.

In terms of email and Internet access, percent of respondents said that they check their inboxes or surf the Internet on their mobile phones, with the largest number of respondents in the United States and the United Kingdom. 1% of respondents often log in to social networking sites such as Facebook and MySpace through their mobile phones. Steve, global media director of Synovate "As mobile devices become AllInOne devices, many other businesses are facing challenges, but the opportunities for mobile manufacturers and networks are enormous," says Steve Garton, global media director at Synovate.

Not everyone understands technology: percent of respondents say they don't know how to use all the features on their phones.



三分之二的受访者睡觉时手机就在附近,即使他们想关机,也无法关机,因为他们害怕错过“手机给我们带来安全”的东西,“安全性和即时获取信息对我们来说是头号的交流工具,有时甚至超过了面对面的交流——它们是我们与生活的联系,”思纬公司董事总经理张珍妮(Jenny Chang)在一份声明中说,Mobiles也改变了人际关系的性质,调查发现,近一半的受访者使用短信调情,五分之一的受访者通过短信进行初次约会,几乎相同数量的受访者用同样的方法结束一场爱情冲突,除了明显的打电话和发短信外,全球范围内人们经常使用的前三大功能是闹钟,在电子邮件和互联网接入方面,有%的受访者表示,他们在手机上查看收件箱或上网,美国和英国的受访者最多,有1%的受访者经常通过手机登录Facebook和MySpace等社交网站,Synovate全球媒体主管Steve Garton表示:“随着移动设备越来越成为allinone设备,许多其他企业都面临着挑战,但移动制造商和网络的机遇是巨大的,”Synovate全球媒体主管Steve Garton表示,并非所有人都懂技术:有%的受访者表示不知道如何使用他们手机上的所有功能。
