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推荐人:admim 时间: 2023-09-28 00:02:09 阅读: 次


前言: 关于”劳动“的英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:labour。以下是关于劳动的专业英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。




When it comes to the value of labor, different people hold different views. A group of people think that work is just a way of life. They hope that they can earn as much money as possible by spending as little as possible.

The more money they make, the less time they spend, the higher the value of labor on the other hand. The value of labor is measured by money. Some people think we should do it for us Because we love it and concentrate our time and energy on the things we love, which makes us realize the purpose of our work.

We should contribute to the development of society and improve ourselves at the same time. In my opinion, I agree that labor is a kind of equipment, but it is not all valuable labor. When choosing a job, we should measure the reward and our dream.

I believe that people will make more efforts in what they like, and one day they will get the reward they deserve. This is the value of labor in my mind.




The falling snow was winter, and the sky turned gray: a very obvious sign that it would snow around us soon. The wind began to strengthen, and the faint whistle could be heard. The wind soon became more and more violent, and we felt wet drops on our faces.

When I looked around, the snow began to fall. When I looked down, I saw all the buildings around us Began to put on a layer of white film, the ground under my feet also began to show white light.




The Ricardo model focuses on comparative advantage, which may be the most important concept in international trade theory. In the Ricardo Model, countries focus on producing their best products. Unlike other models, the Ricardo framework predicts that countries will be fully specialized rather than producing a wide range of goods.

The Ricardo model does not directly consider factor endowment, such as the labor force in a country And the relative amount of capital. The Ricardo model assumes that labor is the only major input in production (labor is considered to be the ultimate source of value, and the marginal output of labor is constant) (labor productivity is constant, returns to scale remain constant, technology is simple, the number of labor in the economy is limited, and labor flows completely between sectors, but it is not fully competitive internationally (in the short term, price setter Li As a result, technology is different internationally, which supports the fact that countries follow their comparative advantages and allow specialization.


