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预防流感的英语作文_ 2篇

推荐人:admim 时间: 2023-09-28 00:47:48 阅读: 次

预防流感的英语作文_ 2篇




Good morning, from the CNN Center in Atlanta, my name is Melissa long. It's Monday, April, and some of the headlines this morning are that the United States has strengthened its control over the spread of the deadly swine flu virus, and now border checks have been carried out on people who may be infected with the virus. So far, President Obama commented on the epidemic this morning and said that we are closely following the new outbreak The outbreak of swine flu in the United States is clearly a concern that needs to be stepped up, but that's not a cause for alarm.

The Department of health and human services has announced a public health emergency as a preventive tool to ensure that we have the resources we need to respond quickly, general motors As part of its plan, layoffs are part of its massive restructuring plan to avoid bankruptcy. It will also reduce the number of cars S plans to sell a third of its cars Iowa, I'm sorry, the new video waiting outside Iowa court this morning is the couples queuing outside the Iowa court this morning, Catholic officials begin to process applications for same- marriage when they are open for business. State law requires that couples have a three-day waiting period before marriage, but judges can wait for the rules and allow immediate weddings.

I think some of us will find this a long process and a significant victory for a community that we all want to be involved in, but there is also one It feels like, you know, it's something they can take away, and right now, you know, it's going to be a couple of years, you don't have to rush into anything, forget about a bull in a China store, you see a bull in a grocery store a scene in this supermarket, this is in Ireland, where workers used a shopping cart to try to offend it, but there, when you have a bull When the farmer followed him into the store, the bull caught up with him, which is the reason why he finally walked out of the supermarket. In fact, no one was hurt we must insist on CNN and CNN COM / 7 news from all over the world.


早上好,来自亚特兰大的CNN中心,我是梅丽莎·朗,今天是星期一,xx月日今天早上的一些头条新闻是美国加强了对致命猪流感病毒传播的控制现在已经对可能感染流感的人进行了边境检查到目前为止,美国总统今早对疫情发表评论说,我们正密切关注新发的疫情在美国发生的猪流感病例,这显然是一个值得关注的问题,需要加强警戒状态,但这并不是一个警报的原因,卫生和公共服务部已经宣布公共卫生紧急情况,作为一个预防工具,以确保我们有我们所需的资源来应对很快,通用汽车公司(General Motors)正面临着一个明确的轮廓,作为其计划的一部分,裁员是其大规模重组计划的一部分,以避免破产它也将减少汽车经销商s计划销售三分之一的汽车 爱荷华,对不起,今天早上在爱荷华州法院外排队等候的新视频是今天早上在爱荷华州法院外排队的夫妇们,教官员在他们开门营业时开始处理同性婚姻申请州法律规定夫妻结婚前要有3天的等待期,但法官可以等待规则并允许立即举行婚礼我想我们中的一些人,会觉得这是一个漫长的过程,这是一个意义重大的胜利,对一个我们都想参与其中的社区来说,但也有一种感觉,你知道,这是他们可以拿走的东西,马上,你知道,这将是一对夫妇几年来,你不必匆忙进入任何东西,忘记瓷器店里的一头公牛怎么样,在杂货店看到一头公牛在这家超市里打闹这是在爱尔兰,工人们曾经用一辆购物车试图冒犯它,但在那里,当拥有公牛的农民跟着它走进商店时,公牛追了上去这也是它最终走出超市的原因,事实上没有人受伤 一定要坚持CNN和CNNcom/7从世界各地的新闻。


At present, many students seldom do sports because they have to prepare for exams. Too much homework has become one of the reasons why they lack exercise. In addition, I think some students have the bad habit of spitting everywhere.

Doing some exercise can make people feel relaxed and healthy, help them overcome diseases, spend time cleaning the claoom and keep ventilation can also prevent H1. The most important thing is to wash hands frequently, not spit everywhere, and keep good habits.




There are many ways to prevent influenza virus infection and transmission. Cover your mouth and nose with your hands to stop the flu. First of all, itching, tingling, itching: cover your hands and sneeze to avoid spreading flu germs.

This is the latest tip on how to cover up the correct prevention of influenza virus: wiping off bacteria with soap and rubbing your hands is one of the best ways to prevent the spread of influenza, so spray and sprint quickly. Don't be too sensitive to everything you need: don't touch your face, rub your eyes, nose or mouth with flu A reliable way, but how long does it take to overcome the flu on the suce: the power of healthy habits, when you're healthy, your immune system will be stronger, so keep yourself in top health during the flu season and throughout the next year. Here are five healthy habits you can take advantage of.



本文标题:预防流感的英语作文_ 2篇