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推荐人:admim 时间: 2023-09-28 01:24:13 阅读: 次


前言: 关于”小猫身体“的英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:Kitten body。以下是关于小猫身体的五年级英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

关于”小猫身体“的英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:Kitten body。以下是关于小猫身体的xx年级英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

关于”小猫身体“的英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:Kitten body。以下是关于小猫身体的xx年级英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Kitten body

Kitten went fishing one day. It was sunny. Kitten and her mother went fishing together.

They stopped at a beautiful river. The kitten was very excited and started fishing suddenly. But an hour later, there was nothing except some rubbish.

The kitten did not disturb any more. Then she saw a erfly kitten chasing it. After a long time, she left her tired and returned to her surprise Place, her mother caught a big fish.

Her mother told Kitty: when you do one thing, you can't do other things, otherwise you will accomplish nothing. Katie fished hard and finally she caught a fish. Although the fish was not as big as her mother's, Katie learned a lot that day and had a good time that day.




When it comes to pet animals, most people will think that this is a hot topic, because more and more people keep pets in the city. Animals are our friends. They can get comfort from pet animals and bring people a lot of happiness and comfort.

Children can learn how to love, and the elderly will not feel lonely. Some people even treat pets as family members. We should say that pet animals play an important role in human life, especially in life, where there are always people coming and going, cars and buildings.

We have to say that pet animals bring us new problems, such as garbage, noise, uncontrolled birth of animals and homeless animals. Therefore, we must spend more time and money to solve these problems. On the whole, we can solve the problems brought about by pets so that we can create a peaceful environment which is friendly to human beings and pet animals.

Our kitten is very cute. It has big eyes like crystal and is covered with fluff. It is very beautiful.

It divides the body into groups, like a snowball. The kitten is very naughty. Someone rings the bell and it calls Three times, he turned his body into a snowball.

Every time the guests were very strange, only three knew that it was my naughty kitten. The three people must be me. My parents once broke a mother's love vase when she was jumping around on the table and playing hard.

Her round green eyes were suddenly much smaller, as if to say: "how could this be It was a very expensive vase. "I don't blame it. I just gently stroked its smooth white cash cap and said to him," be careful, don't damage anything.

"To make a long story short, my cat is very naughty and cute. No matter it's wrong, it's my baby.





>Our kitten is very cute, it has a pair of crystal ball like eyes, full of fluffy is extremely beautiful, if you take it to a group, like a snowball kitten is very naughty, someone rang the bell, it called three times, and then turned his body into a snowball, every time the guests are very strange, only three people know it is my naughty kitten three people Of course, it's me. Mom and dad used to, when the cat was jumping around on the table and playing hard, she accidentally broke her mother's love for the vase. Her round green eyes suddenly lost a lot, as if to say, "how can this be done? It's a very expensive vase." I don't blame it.

I just gently stroked its smooth white cash cap and said to him, "be careful, don't do it To make a long story short, my cat is very naughty and cute. No matter it is wrong, it is my baby.


