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推荐人:admim 时间: 2023-09-28 03:33:13 阅读: 次


前言: 关于”用过去式写一篇运动会“的英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:Write a sports meeting in the past tense。以下是关于用过去式写一篇运动会的中考英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

关于”用过去式写一篇运动会“的英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:Write a sports meeting in the past tense。以下是关于用过去式写一篇运动会的中考英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

关于”用过去式写一篇运动会“的英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:Write a sports meeting in the past tense。以下是关于用过去式写一篇运动会的中考英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Write a sports meeting in the past tense

I like traveling very much. The trip before I went to Xi'an was really unforgettable. I always wanted to see bin Ma Yong, so I chose to go there.

I went there by train with my parents. I had breakfast in the hotel, and then we went there by bus. When I got off, the last time I went to Beijing with my brother, I was very tired, but I was very happy One afternoon in Beijing, it was an interesting place.

When we drove off, I saw a lot of people, including a foreigner with blue eyes. I went to play the roller coaster first. It was very exciting.

Then I went to play the pirate boat. It was very unforgettable. Finally, I played other games.

I never played them. I enjoyed a lot of beautiful scenery.




I like summer vacation, because I can do a lot of things in the first week holiday. I have been doing my homework all the time. But I finish my homework very early on Monday.

I often do my homework at home on Tuesday. I go to my aunt's house to play with my sister. On Wednesday, I often go shopping with my mother in Hanzhong.

On Thursdays, Fridays and Saays, I always do my homework on August 1 Dad, mom, sisters, aunts and I, we went to Luoyang to see my uncle and aunt on the first day. We went to Longmen Siku. It was very beautiful and the mountains were very high.

I like it here.




The film tells the story of Brad Cohen's congenital disease, but I don't know how to name the disease in English, but the patients with this disease will make some strange sounds and actions Cohen) he has a dream, that is to be a teacher. However, the disease can not be cured. So he interviewed many schools, but he did not give up.

Finally, a good headmaster helped him overcome the setbacks, and finally realized his dream and gained love. After watching the film, I found that the film was based on a real story The story tells us a truth, you should stick to it, don't give up.


影片讲述了主人布拉德·科恩(Brad Cohen)患有先天性疾病的故事,但我不知道如何用英语说出这种疾病的名字,但是患上这种病的病人会发出一些奇怪的声音和动作,(Brad Cohen)他有一个梦想,就是当一名教师,然而,这种疾病是无法治愈的,于是他采访了很多学校都不成功,但他没有放弃,最后,一位好校长帮助他克服了挫折,终于实现了梦想,收获了爱情,看完这部电影后我发现,这部电影是根据一个真实的故事改编的,这个故事告诉我们一个道理,你应该坚持下去,不要放弃。
