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推荐人:admim 时间: 2023-09-28 03:57:17 阅读: 次


前言: 关于”学生的工作介绍集“的英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:Introduction to students' work。以下是关于学生的工作介绍集的专业英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。

关于”学生的工作介绍集“的英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:Introduction to students' work。以下是关于学生的工作介绍集的专业英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。

关于”学生的工作介绍集“的英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:Introduction to students' work。以下是关于学生的工作介绍集的专业英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Introduction to students' work

Part time job is the choice of many college students, because they have a lot of free time and hope to obtain work experience, so as to better prepare for their future career. This is a good choice, because they can learn to be independent, but they are easy to fall into traps. The common trap is the money taken by brokers.

Because students don't know how to find a job, some people do it Brokers, they make money by introducing jobs, they always get a lot of money, and students don't realize that brokers require too much. Another common pitfall is that they think employers and students are inexperienced and try to find various excuses to reduce their salaries. Most college students don't know how to protect their interests because they are young and , so they need to Be extra careful.

They should go to big companies, such as KFC. It's better not to find an agent, or ask someone you trust to introduce them before the students enter the job. It is necessary to learn more legal knowledge.




The purpose of this report is to use Workset color to evaluate the accuracy of my job description, and to propose some changes. The result is obvious that there are differences in the company's views on the job. The first reality I feel is that the official job briefing section on the pie chart does not mention the need Some of the areas where I spend a lot of time, the most noteworthy part is the pink part, which is related to the many meetings I attend, and I hardly contribute.

The other important areas are the grey part, which refers to the time I spend on sorting out computer issues. I feel that these activities hinder my core work. As can be seen from the chart, I have agreed with the line manager for the implementation of the The above differences clearly indicate that my current job brief is inaccurate, and I suggest that my formal work brief should be updated with the working set color.

Consider the proportion of non core colors in the pie chart and investigate whether work in these areas can be performed by someone else who is more suitable for these tasks.




The purpose of this report is to use Workset color to evaluate the accuracy of my job description as a PR Officer, and to propose some suggestions for change. It's clear that the company's work and the reality I saw at first sight, many areas that required a lot of my time were not mentioned in the official job briefing. The most noteworthy part of the pie chart is the pink part, which has something to do with many of the meetings I have attended, and I have hardly contributed.

Another important area is the grey section, which refers to the time I spend on sorting out computer problems. I feel that these activities are hindering my core work. As can be seen from the pie chart, I have been working less actively than expected to achieve the goals agreed with the line manager.

The above differences clearly indicate that my current work briefing is not accurate and I suggest that I should The style job brief should be updated using the working set color. Consider the proportion of non core colors in the pie chart and investigate whether work in these areas can be performed by someone else who is more suitable for these tasks.


Becbecbecbece报告撰写示例回答:文字)工作满意度的重新评估:Sue Pearson(公关部介绍本报告旨在使用工作集颜色来评估我作为公关官的工作描述的准确性,并提出一些改变建议。很明显,公司对工作和我第一眼看到的现实,许多需要我大量时间的领域没有在正式的工作简报中提及。饼图上最值得关注的部分是粉红色部分,这与我参加的许多会议有关,我几乎没有贡献。

