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推荐人:admim 时间: 2023-09-28 03:58:15 阅读: 次


前言: 关于”描述环境“的英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:Describe the environment。以下是关于描述环境的考研英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。

关于”描述环境“的英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:Describe the environment。以下是关于描述环境的考研英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。

关于”描述环境“的英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:Describe the environment。以下是关于描述环境的考研英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Describe the environment

Since the industrial revolution in the s, people began to use coal and oil in large quantities, which made the proportion of carbon dioxide in the air rising rapidly. The greenhouse effect induced the trend of global warming. It worsened the degree of natural disasters all over the world.

The dust and gas from sandstorms and volcanic eruptions naturally polluted the earth's atmosphere, but the most serious air pollution came from people and workers Factories, power stations and automobile exhaust emissions harmful gases into the air, leading to global warming, causing acid rain and destroying the ozone layer in a much smaller scale. Air pollution causes various respiratory problems. There is no simple solution to air pollution.

However, when volcanoes erupt, people can reduce air pollution and dust by saving energy and reducing harmful emissions from automobile exhaust and power stations Being blown high above the troposphere, it may take weeks to spread through the weather belt, so it cannot be washed away by rain, and it will eventually fall to earth in a few years. The air pollution in big cities is the most serious. Millions of people live, work and travel in cars, buses and trucks.

Devices to reduce air pollution are installed, but this is expensive. If cities and towns have better public transport and bicycle lanes, people are less likely to use cars. Reducing total pollution and smoking increases the overall level of air pollution It's damaging to our health.

Cigarette smoke contains carcinogenic chemicals, a gas that prevents oxygen from entering the blood, and a substance called nicotine, which raises blood pressure and accelerates the heart rate. Smoke free areas reduce this pollution and prevent nonsmokers from inhaling other people's cigarette smoke.




Instructions: study the comics carefully and write an article with no less than words B your essay must be written on the answer sheet your essay should meet the following requirements: describe the cartoon explain the message conveyed in the picture make remedial suggestions call for conservation of nature as described in the picture entitled "the cry of our descendants", a boy is calling on his ancestors today's citizens all over the world to ensure a better environment and richer environment Natural resources, with a forced smile on the face of future generations, crying and desperation, can make us ponder. The drawer of this painting is intended to force us to ask ourselves some very thought-provoking questions about nature conservation. Are we willing to be more conservative in the requirements of life, are we willing to use the world's resources moderately? In fact, our descendants can reduce the consumption of oil, coal and electricity, and let others live in order to reduce the pollution and environmental pressure caused by excessive use of energy Are we willing to invest more in pollution control and environmental recovery? Are we willing to invest more energy in recycling? Whether we can ease our demand for fat rich diets and super processed convenience foods is some of the central issues in today's world, as well as the key issues of environmental quality at present and in the future.

As citizens of modern society, we have the responsibility to consider the living environment and conditions of our future generations. It is sad that we must take positive actions to correct the situation of his ancestors.


指导: 仔细研究下面的漫画,用不少于单词写一篇文章 B你的文章必须写在答题纸上 你的文章应该符合以下要求: 描述卡通 解释图片中传达的信息 提出补救的建议 对自然的呼唤保护 正如名为《我们的后代的哭声》的图片所描述的,一个男孩正在呼吁他的祖先今天在世界各地的公民,以确保一个更好的环境和更丰富的自然资源,为后代的脸上带着强迫的微笑,他在痛哭,绝望这样的场景会让我们陷入沉思。这幅画的抽屉意图迫使我们问自己一些关于自然保护的非常发人深省的问题我们是否愿意在生活要求上更加保守,我们是否愿意适度地利用世界资源事实上,我们的后代可以减少石油、煤炭和电力的消耗,为了减少过度使用能源所造成的污染和环境压力,让他人过上更好的生活,我们是否愿意在污染控制和环境恢复方面投入更多的资金?我们是否愿意在循环利用方面投入更多的精力?我们是否能够缓和我们对富含脂肪的饮食和超级加工便利食品的需求食物这是当今世界的一些中心问题,也是目前和未来环境质量的关键问题。作为现代社会的公民,我们有责任考虑我们后代的生活环境和条件。



In your composition, you should briefly describe the painting, explain its intention, and give your comments. You should write on the answer sheet neatly: two young people sitting on the boat are throwing rubbish into the lake. What an impressive picture it is.

From the picture, we can see that with the rapid economic development, tourism as a form of enterprise has brought a lot of benefits to China, but people have been greatly polluted in public places, without realizing that they are in the middle of the city Doing things that damage the environment, our only environment, they bring inconvenience and discomfort to other tourists, but also reduce China's national image. What can we do? First of all, I think the government should issue strict laws and regulations to punish any behavior that damages the environment. The public's awareness of environmental protection should be strengthened.

People should know how close the clean environment is to their personal life. Let us hope that in the near future, we will have a cleaner and more beautiful environment.


