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推荐人:admim 时间: 2023-09-28 04:18:49 阅读: 次


前言: 关于”文化“的英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:Culture。以下是关于文化的高一英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。




Vienna is the capital of Austria and one of the nine states of Austria. Vienna is the main city of Austria with a population of about one million in the metropolitan area. It is by far the largest city in Austria.

It is also its culture, economy, culture, culture, economy, culture, culture, culture, culture, culture, culture, culture, culture, culture, culture, culture, culture, culture, culture, culture, culture, culture, culture, culture, culture, culture, culture, culture, culture, culture, culture, culture, culture, culture It is the fourth most populous city in the European Union, and it is owned by Mercer Human resource As of Vienna, Vienna is home to many major international organizations, such as the United Nations and OPEC. Vienna is located in the easternmost part of Austria, close to the Czech Republic. Slovakia and Hungary, located in the city center, are listed as world heritage sites by UNESCO.

The research on world cities in the economist think tank Vienna ranked first in terms of quality of life, the same as Vancouver. Vienna has a long tradition of cakes and desserts, including apple pies and desserts (dumplings), which are usually filled with fruit, such as marillenkn ó del sachertoret, a dry chocolate cake from the Thatcher hotel with apricot jam, which is world-famous.


维也纳是奥地利的首都,也是奥地利的九个州之一维也纳是奥地利的主要城市,在大都市区内人口约为百万。它是奥地利迄今为止最大的城市,也是其文化、经济、文化、文化、经济、文化、文化、文化、文化、文化、文化、文化、文化、文化、文化、文化、文化、文化、文化、文化、文化、文化、文化、文化、文化、文化、文化、文化、文化、文化、文化、文化、,它是欧盟第四大人口城市,被美世人力资源咨询公司(Mercer Human Resource Consulting)列为生活质量第二高的城市(截至维也纳,维也纳是许多主要国际组织的所在地,如和欧佩克)维也纳位于奥地利的最东部,靠近捷克共和国,位于市中心的斯洛伐克和匈牙利被教科文组织列为世界遗产,在《经济学人》智库对世界城市的研究中,维也纳的生活质量排名第一,与温哥华持平。维也纳有着悠久的蛋糕和甜点传统,其中包括苹果馅饼和甜点(饺子)通常装满水果,如杏子(Marillenknödel Sachertoret,一种来自萨切尔酒店的干巧克力蛋糕,有杏子果酱,是世界闻名的。


There is no doubt that Hollywood movies are favored by all people in almost every country. Hollywood movies always beat local movies. Hollywood films that win the most profits attract the public's attention with good plots and advanced technology.

Local culture is also facing challenges in the open market. How to protect and develop local culture is the biggest problem faced by the young generation They are easy to be attracted by foreign culture, so for some directors, they deny local culture. They ask to cooperate with Hollywood actors and hope to develop local films.

However, the result always disappoints the audience. They don't pay for the wonders. The reason why the local culture loses popularity lies in its old features.

If the culture is presented in a new way, it will be easier for the younger generation to accept it Only creativity can make something popular in the open market. Although the local culture faces challenges, it is easy to be accepted by the younger generation. There are also its advantages.

This is a combination of national wisdom.




The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution took place in China in the 20th century, which had a great impact on Chinese history. Some people think that this is an inevitable difficult stage for China's development, while others think it is only an obstacle. According to the consequences of the Proletarian Cultural Revolution, I agree with the latter view: first, the Proletarian Cultural Revolution has caused harm to the field of education and hindered the economic development Economic development caused social contradictions.

At first, they were forced to hand over textbooks. Later, some teachers were punished. At that time, there were fewer and fewer school teachers.

Schools lacked books and teachers. The education of students was completely affected by the revolution. In addition, some people, like knowledgeable teachers, were sent to work in poor areas.

In other words, it was a waste of educational resources and hindered the economic development of China at that time. When the government was busy with the cultural revolution, its energy was very limited and there was not enough time to develop the economy. Under the influence of the Proletarian Cultural Revolution, many factories were closed down.

It must be The economy has stopped or regressed, but equally important, it has created more conflicts in society. Obviously, during the revolutionary period, China was in chaos. Everyone was afraid of scolding for no reason.

The government itself also had a lot of internal conflicts. Generally speaking, the Proletarian Cultural Revolution had a lot of adverse effects on the whole of China, such as the field of education, China's economic development and social contradictions. Therefore, I think the cultural revolution should not happen, because it does not have to want.


