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推荐人:admim 时间: 2023-09-28 06:03:22 阅读: 次


前言: 关于”物质与精神“的英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:Material and spirit。以下是关于物质与精神的雅思英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

关于”物质与精神“的英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:Material and spirit。以下是关于物质与精神的雅思英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

关于”物质与精神“的英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:Material and spirit。以下是关于物质与精神的雅思英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Material and spirit

Human nature is a concept, that is, all "normal" people have a series of characteristics, including the way of thinking, the way of feeling and the way of behavior. Soul is regarded as the substantial form of the body (soul, as a material form, is universal or common to all human beings. Therefore, it shows human nature.

What distinguishes people from people is matter. Aquinas calls it the principle of individuation. Human soul has spirituality, immortality, substance and existence: it is the principle of human spirit and life, but it also depends on it in various ways Depending on the body, in order to possess these characteristics, there is no division between "material" and "spiritual", although they are actually different.

This position distinguishes tomism from materialism and idealism. It holds that the visible universe is not only the of a transcendent.




Green Olympics is one of the three major themes of the Beijing Olympic Games. In order to protect the environment, build more green projects, maintain ecological balance, promote circular economy and protect water resources, the Beijing government has made great efforts. For example, the government will build new hotels, a huge stadium, a new Olympic standard swimming pool, and more buildings will be built in Outside the capital, it will be called the Olympic city.

My home is there. So as a Chinese, as a senior high school student in Beijing, I am looking forward to the arrival of the Olympic Games. We should play an active role in the implementation of the Green Olympics.

We should start from ourselves, our families, our friends and the people around us. Although our country is very beautiful and modern now, there are any problems with it. I always see cars generate smoke on the street and in the bathroom.

I see that after students use the tap, not only young people, but also old people will throw things everywhere without thinking. This is not right. Even in a beautiful park, these things happen every day, even in Beijing The same is true of modern cities.

The Chinese people always cherish the purposes and principles of the Olympic ideal and support the efforts made by the Olympic Games to promote world peace. The Chinese government and people are every effort to prepare for the Beijing Olympic Games and to publicize the Olympic ideal at the grand events of the Olympic Games. The Chinese government and people have always upheld the purposes and principles of the Olympic spirit and supported the efforts of the Olympic movement to promote world peace.

The Beijing Olympic Games is a grand event to carry forward the Olympic spirit, promote world peace and enhance friendship among the people of the world To make the Olympic spirit flourish again in China, an oriental country with ancient civilization.




Money and happiness philosophers seldom need to be happy because of money, because they think that money can bring happiness is very limited. As Epicurus said: the more money, the less happiness, money has reached a limited level, this is because they have another way to enjoy happiness, with the soul is happiness and spirit compared to the material can bring Happiness can only be expressed as spiritual infinite happiness. Therefore, a common characteristic of saints is: on the one hand, when they see the limited material, the material can at least make them meet; on the other hand, because the spirit of infinite desire for happiness, no matter how much material can allow them to meet (:: everyone needs some luxury goods to be happy.

A six figure income brings a lot of fun to a family. A more luxurious home, maybe a trip to Disneyland or a more upscale car, but doing these things will make you happier. Happiness and happiness are not the same.

Temporary release of happiness comes from one's spirit and emotional energy is my experience.


