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推荐人:admim 时间: 2023-09-28 10:54:48 阅读: 次


前言: 关于”好吃的汉堡包“的英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:Delicious hamburger。以下是关于好吃的汉堡包的初一英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。

关于”好吃的汉堡包“的英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:Delicious hamburger。以下是关于好吃的汉堡包的初一英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。

关于”好吃的汉堡包“的英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:Delicious hamburger。以下是关于好吃的汉堡包的初一英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Delicious hamburger

Tips: ① in the past, people used to eat bread, meat and vegetables; ② a European bread was added between the meat and vegetables; ③ a person from Germany (hamburger is a German place name) introduced it to the United States, so it is called hamburger (referring to hamburger). ④ people who like to eat, especially young people, are used to eating bread, meat and vegetables. One of the European people adds meat to bread and vegetables Between vegetables, they are brought from hamburger in Germany to the United States, so hamburgers are very popular, especially among young people.




Tips: ① in the past, people ate bread, meat and vegetables; ② a European bread was added between the meat and vegetables; ③ a person from German hamburger (hamburger is a German place name) introduced it to the United States, so it is called hamburger (referring to hamburger). ④ people who like to eat, especially young people, thank you.




Hamburg is the second largest city in Germany and the seventh largest city in the European Union, with a population of more than one million. Although the Hamburg metropolitan area (including parts of the neighboring federal Lower Saxony and schleswigholstein) has more than one million residents, Hamburg Port is the third largest port in Europe and one of the 20 largest ports in the world. The official name of Hamburg is the free Hanseatic city.

The history of Hamburg as a member of the Hanseatic League in the middle ages, as a free Empire City of the Holy Roman Empire, and the fact that Hamburg is a city and one of the 16 German states, Hamburg is the main traffic hub in northern Germany and one of the richest cities in Europe. It has become a media and industrial center, With factories and facilities belonging to Airbus, Blohm + Voss and aurubis, radio and television station norddeutscher Rundfunk and publishers such as Gruner + Jahr and Spiegel Verlag are the pillars of Hamburg's important media industry. Overall, there are more than businesses in Hamburg.

The city is a major tourist destination for domestic and foreign tourists. It has received about 10000 people overnight, living in the world's third most livable hamburger and the world's No. 1 city.

The hamburger (also known as a hamburger) is a kind of sandwich, which is composed of cooked meat stuffing (usually beef, but sometimes pork or a variety of meat), which is usually put into a sliced roll hamburger Often with lettuce, bacon, tomatoes, onions, pickles, cheese and mus, mayonnaise, tomato sauce and other condiments to eat. Hamburgers or hamburgers can also be used alone for patties, especially in the UK, where the word "Patty" is rarely used, although the word "hamburger" is rarely used in Commonwealth countries (except Canada and Australia.


汉堡是德国第二大城市,欧盟第七大城市,拥有超过百万人口,尽管汉堡大都会区(包括邻近的联邦下萨克森州和石勒苏维霍尔斯泰因州的部分地区)有超过百万居民,但汉堡港是欧洲第三大港口,也是世界上最大的20个港口之一。汉堡的官方名称是自由汉萨城市汉堡汉堡作为中世纪汉萨同盟的一员,作为神圣罗马帝国的一个自由帝国城市的历史,以及汉堡是一个城市和德国十六个州之一的事实,汉堡是德国北部的主要交通枢纽,是欧洲最富裕的城市之一,它已经成为一个媒体和工业中心,拥有属于空客的工厂和设施,Blohm+Voss和Aurubis,广播电视台Norddeutscher Rundfunk和出版商如Gruner+Jahr和SpiegelVerlag是汉堡重要的媒体产业的支柱。总的来说,汉堡有超过家企业。

