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推荐人:admim 时间: 2023-09-28 10:58:11 阅读: 次


前言: 关于”夜晚小“的英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:The night is small。以下是关于夜晚小的初一英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

关于”夜晚小“的英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:The night is small。以下是关于夜晚小的初一英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

关于”夜晚小“的英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:The night is small。以下是关于夜晚小的初一英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:The night is small

Christmas Eve silent night, holy night is calm, everything is bright virginity, mother and son are so gentle and gentle, sleep in the peace of heaven, sleep in the peaceful night of heaven, the holy night shepherd trembles when he sees the glory flowing down from the sky, the master of heaven sings Hallelujah, the Savior is born in the silent night, God The Holy Son of the night of love, from your holy face the light of redemption grace shines, Lord Jesus, when you were born, Jesus Christ, when you were born.




Just like Christmas Eve in the west, Spring Festival Eve is also a meaningful night for Chinese people, full of happiness and expectation for the coming new year. No matter how long and difficult it is, the prologue of the Spring Festival has already begun. Chinese people travel thousands of miles on New Year's Eve for many years, and the whole family get together.

The Spring Festival Gala of TV programs is the repertoire of the program and the whole family They are enjoying delicious dinner and delicious food, watching Chinese people's programs together. Every terrible memory and unhappiness will end in this night, and the beautiful next year will also start here. Their wishes will become the sound of firecrackers and colorful fireworks, spread throughout the ages.

The Spring Festival Gala is regarded as the new beginning of the future. The happy ending is a year and a night, when everyone can open it In the face of a rapidly growing economy, people rarely have time to spend with their families, but on this night, it may be a reward, a kind of compensation, or an opportunity for everyone who wants to share the fun with their family. On a cold winter night, the room is full of relaxed conversations and jokes.

In the warm atmosphere, new year's Eve has been passed down from generation to generation Tradition, now, more and more new fashions are introduced into the evening, even replacing the old tradition. More and more people like to eat in restaurants instead of cooking and eating at home. However, whatever it is, a harmful and peaceful night is everyone's favorite.




Praise the night I hear the fragrance of the night sweeping her marble hall ‰ I see her sable skirt covered with fringes of light from the sky wall I feel her existence, the magic of its power it bends over me the quiet and solemn existence of the night ‰ just like the people I love I hear the sound of sadness and joy, countless soft bells, full of the haunted house of the night, like some old poets From the cold pool of midnight air; where my soul sleeps; where the fountain of eternal peace flows; O Holy night, I learn to bear from you; all that man has endured before; you put your fingers on your lips to care, and they no longer complain, peace, peace, forest, just as I breathe this prayer and fly down with wide wings, welcome Thrifty people, for the best night, the best night.


赞美夜 我听见夜的余香扫过她的大理石大厅‰我看见她的黑貂裙上布满了来自天墙的光的流苏 我感觉到她的存在,它的力量的魔力 从上面俯过我 夜晚的平静庄严存在‰就像我爱的人一样 我听到悲伤和喜悦的声音无数柔和的钟声,充满了夜的鬼屋,像是一些老诗人的诗句,来自午夜空气的凉水池;我的灵魂在那里安眠;永恒的和平之泉在那里流淌;哦,圣夜,我从你那里学会承受;人以前所承受的一切;你把你的手指放在嘴唇上关心,他们不再抱怨,和平,和平,森林,就像我呼这祈祷,带着宽大的翅膀飞下去,欢迎节俭的人们,为了最美好的夜晚,最美好的夜晚。
