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推荐人:admim 时间: 2023-09-28 12:30:49 阅读: 次


前言: 关于”护理相关“的英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:Nursing related。以下是关于护理相关的雅思英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

关于”护理相关“的英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:Nursing related。以下是关于护理相关的雅思英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

关于”护理相关“的英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:Nursing related。以下是关于护理相关的雅思英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Nursing related

The histogram shows the survey results of different wards and the percentage of patients who are very satisfied with the hospital experience. The main characteristics of the information are summarized through selection and report, and the comparison is made in relevant places (when, where and where Polly wardmap ward is investigated, and oak ward bar chart compares the patient satisfaction of three wards in one hospital from four aspects. Polly ward is the best performer in a survey because patients are most rated for their staff services, waste time, quality of treatment and care after care are in sharp contrast to oak ward, with the oak ward receiving the least praise.

In particular, the vast majority of patients are very satisfied with the quality of treatment provided by Polly ward, three quarters like its time distribution, pollyward turns to maple ward, three quarters like its treatment and care quality, while staff services are slightly worse. It is worth noting that the minimum people are satisfied with their time distribution, and the time waste and the oak ward situation is almost unsatisfactory. In all three wards, except for the overall satisfactory treatment quality from oak patients, only more than half of them enjoy three aspects of service.

Alicehua's two most popular aspects are after-sales service quality Two aspects of the worst quantity.


柱状图显示了对医院不同病房的调查结果以及对医院体验非常满意的患者百分比,通过选择和报告主要特征总结信息,并在相关的地方进行比较(何时、何地、何地调查Polly WardMaple Ward,Oak Ward条形图从四个方面比较了一家医院三个病房的患者满意度。从一项调查中可以看出,Polly Ward表现最为出色,因为患者对其员工服务的评价最高,浪费时间,治疗质量和善后护理与橡树病房形成鲜明对比,橡树病房受到的赞扬最少。特别是,绝大多数患者对波利病房提供的治疗质量非常满意,四分之三的人喜欢它的时间分配波利沃德转向枫树病房,四分之三的人喜欢它的治疗和护理质量,而员工的服务则稍差一点。



I have a dream. I want to be a nurse. Now I am in a medical school.

I study very hard in order to realize my dream. I am willing to help others. I think it is very valuable to help people in need.

I want to take care of the patients and the injured. I hope that my dream will come true. Not only the concept of modern health, but also the physical, mental and social perfection of the weak without disease should be realized As the saying goes, "three point therapy and seven point nursing", modern nursing work not only alleviates the pain of patients with drugs, but also provides a more complete and comprehensive psychological nursing system for patients and rich people.

Emotional nursing service can meet the psychological, physiological and social needs of patients at the same time. With the expansion of nursing scope and the change of work focus, the requirements for the quality of nurses are also changing, only high Only qualified nurses can undertake the present nursing work.




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Please understand that we can compensate for your loss, and hope you accept my most sincere apology. Our company will guarantee that this will not happen in the future. I hope you and the majority of consumers will supervise and thank you Support B acbcc bdacbbcdcdbactuiters return pocket money education nurse month: LJ: AE: npgialcking how to make informatederebuilut and live working more heavnillefts: tuiters returning educational educational Carerf month: LJ: AE: npgiweeksales supports online directory business communication in interview: forget what to encourage, why promotion and encouragement are locked in work, and recently released an allowed date.


尊敬的王琼女士感谢您xx月来信特为公司员工服务,公司已对情况进行了调查,并将责令相关员工,给您带来诸多不便请谅解,我们可以为您赔偿损失,并希望您接受我最诚挚的歉意,我们公司也会保证以后不会发生这种事情,我希望您和广大消费者的监督感谢您的支持B ACBCC bdacbbcddbbactuiters返还零花钱教育护理员月:LJ:AE:npgialucking介绍如何使informederebuilut和livedwiningmoresheavnillefts::tuitersreturningpducational educational careerf月:LJ:AE:npgiweeksales支持访谈中在线目录商务交流:忘记了鼓励什么,为什么推广鼓励锁定到工作上了,最近发布了一个允许的日期。
