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推荐人:admim 时间: 2023-09-28 14:13:25 阅读: 次


前言: 关于”和做题的关系“的英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:And the relationship between problem making。以下是关于和做题的关系的高考英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。

关于”和做题的关系“的英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:And the relationship between problem 。以下是关于和做题的关系的高考英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。

关于”和做题的关系“的英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:And the relationship between problem 。以下是关于和做题的关系的高考英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:And the relationship between problem

The latest stage of logistics integration is "rapid response", which evolves into "efficient customer response" (ecrtis connects all stages of the supply chain. Therefore, when customers purchase products from retailers, they will automatically send a message through the chain stores, thus triggering the response of manufacturers and other suppliers. For example, when a customer buys jeans in a clothing store, EPOS automatically sends a message back to the wholesaler saying that the inventory needs to be replenished, and then sends back to the manufacturer that it is time to make another pair of jeans, and then sends back to the supplier that they should hand over the material to the manufacturer.

The result is a result of paying attention to consumers and developing partnership, and the relationship between retailers and their suppliers is as follows The integration of EPOS supply chain has obvious advantages, including: cooperation between all parts of the supply chain, elimination of duplication of work, information and plan, etc elimination of operations that will not add value to customers, improve efficiency and productivity, reduce costs, reduce inventory and response time, trigger replenishment in supply chain according to actual demand, share information and chain with customers EPO, EDI organizations see these benefits clearly and are moving towards greater integration. U.S. companies have some form of integrated supply chain management.

Most of the integration includes transportation, warehousing, and inventory, because it includes production planning, purchase or sales order processing, etc More than% of the companies expect that the integration will increase in the next three years. With a quarter of the companies turning to "fully integrated" systems, only% of the companies have established ECR functions. However, it is predicted that ECR functions will increase to% in the next three years.

Although there are different understandings of the meaning of full integration and even ECR, there is a clear trend The important direction of great integration into ECR of supply chain.




In the whole war, the United States and Britain split with France and the Soviet Union and occupied Germany, which was forged in the fire of the first and second world wars. Although Britain was eager to remain neutral in the two conflicts, Britain recognized that the United States had surpassed it and became the world. Britain actively courted the United States and its human and industrial strength could join the war as an ally, The highest authority in the United States accepted a hierarchy of orders, placing Americans twice at the end of the war at the top of all major battlefields allied with Britain.

According to Yalta's agreement, Britain: in particular, the "rock solid" relationship between the United States and Britain, as described by President Barack Obama in his meeting with British Prime Minister David Cameron in March, is, to some extent, the "rock solid" relationship between the United States and Britain yes.




How to learn has become a common problem, not only related to students, but also related to those who have long left the professional or academic research field. However, how to answer this question depends on the specific learning situation as well as the knowledge and personal quality. In the absence of competition, the intention of thinking about the problem itself can better serve the core motivation of learning.


