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推荐人:admim 时间: 2023-09-28 14:18:33 阅读: 次


前言: 关于”写父亲的题目“的英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:Write a father's title。以下是关于写父亲的题目的中考英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

关于”写父亲的题目“的英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:Write a father's title。以下是关于写父亲的题目的中考英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

关于”写父亲的题目“的英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:Write a father's title。以下是关于写父亲的题目的中考英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Write a father's title

When my father was young, my father would kiss me every night and sing for me when I woke up. He made me feel so special. I knew my father loved me.

It made me feel strong enough to do almost anything he was sick, but the strength kept him alive. He loved me so much, he gave up years of life to take care of me, his own son, he was still a little boy Boy, for many years, he has been fighting for my study and life day and night. Despite his own illness, he still stands by my side, caring for me and comforting me until I become healthier and happier.

Over the years, life has changed a lot, but the love for my father will not change. I always love my father. Everyone has a father.

My father is of medium height. He is a stout and stern man with keen expression. At first glance, you may find him hard to get close to.

In fact, he is a very kind and considerate appearance, which is often misleading, so no To judge a person by his appearance, I believe my father is a talented person. He is decisive and efficient. He has won a good social status and a relatively rich life for his family by his talent and efforts.

Therefore, I have gained a lot of hard won social experience and saw more joys and sorrows in the world. But at home, he is a strict parent, when I am lazy In my time, I can see that when I do some great things, such as writing a book, he is very excited about such a father. I always remind me to continue and never give up.




Today is father's day. I love my father very much. I did a lot of things for him in the morning.

I bought some flowers with my pocket money and put them in the vase. After dinner, I went to buy some vegetables and cooked a simple and delicious dinner for my family. I gave my own card to my father and said "happy father's Day".

Then I told him to pay more attention to his body and not overwork. I also promised to try my best to be the first in the coming exam. Hearing this, my father said with a smile that I love my father.

I also promised that I would try my best to be the first happy father in the exam after supper, warm and meaningful. In the morning, I bought some flowers with my pocket money and put them in the vase for him. In the afternoon, I went to buy some vegetables and made a simple and delicious dinner for my family.

"I have done a lot of things for him. Today is a special day. Today is my father".

I gave my own card to my father, and then I told him to pay more attention to his health and not to overwork. Father laughed at this.





① ② (3) my father is of medium height, with sharp eyes and rich expression. At one glance, he looks very serious and looks like a judge. In fact, he is very kind and considerate to others.

Their feelings often make people have wrong ideas, so we can't express our opinions. My father is a man who succeeds by his own talent and efforts He not only created wealth for the society, but also provided a rich life for our family. Now he has been well known by people from all walks of life in the city.

② when I came to my house, I benefited from a lot of hard-earned social experience. ③ I saw more joys and sorrows at home. My father was a strict parent.

He was strict with my mother and I. He did not allow my mother to accept anything from others. He asked my mother to go to the office in time and leave at last.

He had a high expectation for me When I was lazy, when I was doing a great thing, such as doing an experiment, he was very excited about such a father that I often thought of and never gave up ① considerate [Bobo and I] a. ② all walks of life ③ hard won social experience; ④ he had high expectations for me; ⑤ when I was idle, he was of medium height, expressive, and looked like a judge Be considerate of others a successful man creates wealth for society and is known to all walks of life with high expectations for someone to kill time.


① ②③④我的父亲是中等身材,眼睛锐利,表情丰富,一眼看上去很严肃,像个法官,你可能会觉得他很难接近,事实上他对别人很好,很体贴①,他们的感情往往会让人产生错误的想法,所以我们不能发表意见我的父亲是一个靠自己的才华和努力取得成功的人,他在事业上取得了巨大的成就,他不仅为社会创造了财富,而且为我们的家庭提供了丰富的生活。现在他已经为全市各行各业的人所熟知了②来我家,我也因此而获益很多来之不易的社会经验③在家里看到更多的悲欢离合我父亲是一个严厉的父母他对我母亲和我都很严格他不允许我母亲接受别人的任何东西他要求我母亲及时去办公室最后离开他对我有很高的期望④当我懒惰的时候当我在做一件伟大的事,比如做一个实验,他对这样一个我经常想起的父亲非常兴奋,永不放弃①体贴的[我和:波波]a.②各行各业③来之不易的社会经验④他对我有很高的期望⑤游手好闲的时候是中等高度的,富有表现力,看起来像个法官一样体贴他人一个成功的人为社会创造财富为人们所熟知各行各业都对某人有很高的期望消磨时间。
