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推荐人:admim 时间: 2023-09-28 15:15:18 阅读: 次


前言: 关于”我的英雄是李小龙“的英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:My hero is Bruce Lee。以下是关于我的英雄是李小龙的六年级英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。

关于”我的英雄是李小龙“的英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:My hero is Bruce Lee。以下是关于我的英雄是李小龙的xx年级英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。

关于”我的英雄是李小龙“的英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:My hero is Bruce Lee。以下是关于我的英雄是李小龙的xx年级英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:My hero is Bruce Lee

Bruce Lee was born in the United States from November to July. He is a martial arts expert, philosopher, instructor, martial arts actor and founder of Jeet Kune Do fighting form. He is widely regarded as the most influential martial arts master in the 20th century and a cultural icon.

He is also the father of actor Li Brandon and actress Li Shannon. Li was born in San Francisco, California and grew up in Hong Kong, His Hong Kong and Hollywood films have made traditional Hong Kong martial arts movies more popular and praised. It has aroused the first major interest in Hong Kong martial arts in the West.

The direction and tone of his films have changed and influenced the development of Chinese martial arts and martial arts films in China and even the world. Li has become a landmark figure, especially for Chinese people. When he describes Chinese national pride and Nationalism in his films, he mainly practices Chinese Martial Arts (Kung Fu).




Lee Hsiao lung was born in San Francisco in November. The son of Bruce, a famous Chinese opera actor, moved to Hong Kong. Soon, he became a child star in the development of Oriental film industry.

His first film was called the birth of man. His last film, which was not completed at the time of his death, was called "game of death". He came and went alone and often fought.

In view of this, he regarded Kung Fu as a way of self-discipline. The famous man surnamed Ye taught the basic skills of Bruce. However, he soon mastered his master.

He was recognized as one of the most authoritative figures in Yongchun boxing. Before Bruce mastered this, he grasped it, and then developed it into his own style, that is, when Bruce left Hong Kong to study for a degree in philosophy. In Seattle, the United States, it was at this time that he accepted a job as a waiter and began to teach some of his skills to students.

These students would pay some Japanese schools in the Seattle area to try to force Bruce to drop out of school. There were many confrontations and duels in order to make Bruce stay. He met his wife Linda in college.

He was studying martial arts. His school was booming. He graduated soon.

He played some small roles in the Hollywood movie Marlowe. Some big stars begged to be students of Bruce Lee James Cobain, Steve McQueen and Lee Marvin. But he often showed up at exhibitions, and it was in one of the exhibitions He was discovered by a producer and signed up for the "green Bumblebee series," which was very successful in states, but Bruce had a huge impact in Hong Kong.

He visited Hong Kong and he was overwhelmed by the attention he had attracted by the people he had said on the radio. Yes, he will make a movie for the Chinese audience, he returned to States, finished several eodes of Longstreet, he began to write his book at jeunkune do at about the same time in Hong Kong, the producer urgently needed to sign a martial arts movie by Bruce, while Zou wenhuai was the head of Jin harvest who produced the big boss. They say the rest is history.


李小龙(Lee Hsiao Lung)于xx月出生于圣弗朗西斯科,一位著名的中国歌剧演员布鲁斯的儿子移居香港,不久他就成了东方电影业发展中的一颗童星,他的第一部电影被称为人类诞生,他的最后一部电影,在他逝世时未完成,被称为《死亡游戏》。独来独往,经常打架斗殴,有鉴于此,他把功夫看作是一种自律的方式,著名的叶姓男子教布鲁斯基本功,但不久,他就掌握了师父,他被公认为是咏春拳学科的最权威人物之一。布鲁斯在掌握了这一点之前,掌握了这一点,然后将其发展成了他自己的风格,即布鲁斯离开香港去攻读哲学学位的时代。

在美国的西雅图,正是在这个时候,他接受了一份侍者的工作,并开始向学生传授他的一些技能,这些学生会付钱给西雅图地区的一些日本学校,试图迫使布鲁斯退学,为了让布鲁斯留下来,有许多对抗和决斗。他在大学里遇到了他的妻子琳达,他正在学习他的武术学校兴旺发达,他很快就毕业了,他在好莱坞电影《马洛》中扮演了一些小角色,一些大明星乞求成为小龙詹姆斯·科本的学生,史蒂夫·麦奎因和李·马文,但他经常在展览会上展示,正是在其中的一次展览中,他被一个制作人发现并签约参加“绿色大黄蜂系列”,这一系列在States非常成功,但在香港布鲁斯受到了巨大的冲击,他访问了香港,他被他曾经在电台节目中所说的人所吸引的注意力淹没了。是的,他会为中国观众拍一部电影,他回到States,完成了几集Longstreet,他开始写他的书在Jeunkune Do在大约同一时间在香港生产商迫切需要签署布鲁斯的一部武侠电影,而邹文怀是金收获的首脑谁产生了大老板。



My idol is Bruce Lee. He is a fighting movie star. He was born in Hong Kong.

His kung fu used to be excellent in Florida, and since then he's been fighting with thieves empty handed, and he's been filming and becoming more and more famous, even though he's been dead for years, to this day, his.


