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推荐人:admim 时间: 2023-09-28 15:46:17 阅读: 次


前言: 关于”笑会传染“的英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:Laughter is contagious。以下是关于笑会传染的专八英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

关于”笑会传染“的英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:Laughter is contagious。以下是关于笑会传染的专八英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

关于”笑会传染“的英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:Laughter is contagious。以下是关于笑会传染的专八英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Laughter is contagious

Relax. Don't take yourself too seriously. Happiness is largely a choice.

Be grateful for all the good things in life. You have enough money to pay for the basics of life. Think about it: I've won happiness.

It's contagious: find someone happy and stand close to them. It is possible to create happiness. Slow down, enjoy the scenery.

Spontaneous happiness is perched on your windowsill. Inviting it to failure is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success.

Let yourself have positive people around you who love life. Let others be happy. Enjoy the journey.

Seize every happiness on your way and look for happy and amazing moments http://wwwqnrcn/waiyu/yiwen/wx/.


放松不要把自己看得太重幸福在很大程度上是一种选择对生活中所有美好的事物心存感激你有足够的钱来支付生活的基本要素想一想:我赢得了幸福是有感染力的:找一个快乐的人并且站得离他们很近。创造幸福是可以实现的放慢脚步,享受风景自发的幸福就栖息在你的窗台上,邀请它不成功不是幸福的关键幸福是成功的关键让你自己周围有积极的,热爱生活的人让别人快乐有远大的梦想享受旅程抓住每一点幸福来你的路上,寻找快乐和惊奇的时刻 http://wwwqnrcn/waiyu/yiwen/wx/。


"Guilin landscape, Yangshuo is coming" ship, so far, is a pure into the cheerful ping, see the list of mountains, Qifeng watell some like a variety of characters, some like rare monsters, some like exotic flowers and fruits, some like Jasper lotus, they are so one by one, one by one cer, on the riverside screen, such as Feng dance show, full of Humor and wit are the most infectious. They lie on their backs on the "eleven oceans" and burst into laughter one by one. Groups of "dozens of peaks", a "monk" and a "nun", who face their faces, dance with four eyes and embrace life, will make Lijiang River.

The magical place is in it. How can we not let people Heartfelt regret: "will be Guilin people, and do not want to be a fairy".




With the acceleration of the pace of life and the increase of work pressure, some people say that we are becoming more and more pessimistic and unhappy. They believe that, in fact, we are losing the ability to laugh. They also believe that if we laugh more, we will feel happier and healthier because "laughter is the best medicine".

They say that it seems radical, but it is not radical at all Laughter can bring us a lot of benefits. The effect of laughter is similar to physical exercise. It can speed up our heart rate, increase our blood pressure, speed up our breathing.

It can also make our facial and stomach muscles work. In fact, it is a kind of "jogging" on the spot. Laughter is a kind of pain relief.

When we laugh, we will produce a chemical substance in our body To help us relieve the pain. In addition, laughter stimulates our immune system and prevents us from being infected by diseases. Laughter improves our mental state and affects our physical health.

Every time we laugh, it makes us feel healthy and energetic. Finally, laughter helps to ease the tension between people. Sometimes people will quarrel for one reason or another.

A humorous sentence that makes people laugh helps to calm down the argument.



