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推荐人:admim 时间: 2023-09-28 15:47:12 阅读: 次


前言: 关于”容易背诵的长篇“的英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:A long piece that is easy to recite。以下是关于容易背诵的长篇的初二英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。

关于”容易背诵的长篇“的英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:A long piece that is easy to recite。以下是关于容易背诵的长篇的初二英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。

关于”容易背诵的长篇“的英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:A long piece that is easy to recite。以下是关于容易背诵的长篇的初二英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:A long piece that is easy to recite

My habit everyone has a special habit. It was formed when I was four years old. I developed the habit of honesty.

For a simple experience, my mother asked me to recite a poem easily that day. Although this poem is, I don't want to recite it at all. I write it on paper and tell my mother that the poem is written by memory.

I write it too fast Mom can't believe me. You really recited it in such a short time. He asked me, I was scared.

I thought for a moment, and then I said sorry, I didn't surprise me. My mother didn't blame me. She told me that honesty is a good habit.

Tell others the truth. What she said will never be questioned. This good habit helps me a lot because I grew up in school Teachers trust me in class, students trust my family, parents trust me, honesty is my good habit, I think it is good habit to give you my life.




The benefits of hosting the Olympic Games. First of all, I would like to say that hosting the Olympic Games will obviously bring a lot of benefits to Beijing, because if it can't be done, the government will be very clear, and then the government will not rush to host the Olympic Games. We can talk about the fact that Chinese athletes have won more and more gold medals and the world is paying more and more attention to China.

But there are still many foreigners who think that China is As an ancient, poor and unhealthy Asian country, we should let the world know the truth. Developing and hosting the Olympic Games is one of the best ways for many people to come to China to watch the Olympic Games. The tourism industry will develop very fast and bring a lot of income to China to manage the country and make the country better.

All over the world will see China's face and changes on TV and radio. Of course, when so many people come, the Internet will be very crowded, especially in Beijing, where the population is already very large. However, we can restrict private cars from driving on the main roads and advocate taking more buses and bicycles.

If there are still too many people, we have to let some outsiders go on weekends Finally, I believe the Beijing Olympic Games will be a success.




Xi Xi Naru accused us of how to "pat" My Concubine "this song". Song Xiang (the year before last) and Liu Bangqian (now Southeast of Lingbi County, Anhui Province) were forced to go down (today's southeast of Lingbi County, Anhui Province), and Yu Ji died of after being given a song song song. Xiang Yu led the elite to break through the encirclement, but was still forced to be trapped in Wujiang.

Finally, he only left "the troubles of Jiangdong's parents and Wang I, how true I saw." after he died, Xiang Yu and Yuji finally said goodbye, which became a heartbreaking carving of reciting history.


拉力时气盖山席席席兮,逆水永不灭,席永不席席席奚奚纳鲁指责我们如何“拍”我妾“这首歌”Gai chu霸王下宋祥(前年)刘邦前下(今安徽省灵璧县东南),赐顾于歌歌一首,YuJi自尽而死。项羽是率精英突围,却仍困在乌江,最后只留下“纵向江东父辈烦恼与王我,我见何等真”后也,死了项羽和玉姬最后的告别,于是成了背诵历史的心碎雕琢。
