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推荐人:admim 时间: 2023-09-28 15:48:02 阅读: 次


前言: 关于”成为朋友“的英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:Be friends。以下是关于成为朋友的托福英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。

关于”成为朋友“的英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:Be friends。以下是关于成为朋友的托福英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。

关于”成为朋友“的英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:Be friends。以下是关于成为朋友的托福英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Be friends

When it comes to friendship, we often focus on building relationships with others, but we always forget the most important step: being friends is the most important first step for us. If you want to build a good relationship with others, if you are not your own friend, how can you become a friend of others? You should always care about yourself, treat yourself well and be your own friend It can help you better understand your friends around you and bring you more happiness. Your friends may not know everything about you, and they can't always applaud you.

So you must do these things by yourself. You must be good to yourself. When your friends are not around, it is you who pull you out of trouble or trouble.




1 add value to the community where you want to make friends, share good content, or help you comment on your profile or send messages to people you are interested in by wise comments on forums. Here are some websites that can help you enter the virtual world. Use general interest websites to find out if you have a favorite hobby for like-minded people Sports or interests if you do, it's almost possible that there's a group of people who have a common interest with you, they have a website, and people get together to talk about it.

2 find a website where people are either interested in meeting new people or have common interests. Some sites where you can create new friends: wikiHow, Facebook, twitter, Google Plus, , the way kids get online. The Internet is safe for the kids there, born in the world of social media and online dating.

The way to date on a website is not just to chat, but to get to know them before you start dating. Are they the same as you? They have the same social and political views. Will she agree with your football habits? Will he agree with your full s cabinet Google.


1通过在论坛上发表明智的评论,为你想交朋友的社区增添价值,分享好的内容,或者以其他方式帮助你在个人资料上发表评论或者给你感兴趣的人发信息这里有一些网站可以帮助你进入虚拟世界使用一般兴趣网站的方法为志同道合的人查找你是否有最喜欢的爱好、运动或兴趣如果你有,几乎有可能有一群人和你有共同的兴趣,他们有一个网站,人们聚集在一起讨论这个问题2找到一个网站,在那里人们要么对认识新的人感兴趣,要么有着共同的兴趣爱好有些网站你可以创造新的好友:wikiHow,facebook,twitter,google plus,,孩子们上网的方法互联网对那里的孩子们来说是安全的,他们出生在社交媒体和在线交友的世界里。使用网站进行约会的方法不仅仅是聊天,还可以在你开始约会之前认识他们他们和你一样吗?他们有着相同的社会和观点,她会不会同意你的足球习惯,他会不会同意你满满的鞋柜谷歌。


Everyone needs friends. One needs the help of friends all his life. Friends not only help him through difficulties, but also share his happiness, but also feel lonely and lonely (knowing how valuable friends are, we should be careful when friends.

In order to make friends, we should contact first, not wait. When a person takes the initiative, he will find many people with common goals, hobbies and interests for himself and his circle of friends. If a person always cares about others and helps them get rid of a storm, they will certainly become his good friends.

A person should be polite, cautious, sincere, honest, tolerant and considerate in friends, but also keep in mind that "good friends are useful, bad friends are useful" The principle of "harmful" is to break off the relationship with fake friends and make new friends. Don't forget old friends, just as distance tests the strength of a horse. So whether time can reveal a person's mind, a friend in need of help is a friend.

Long term contact will tell you who is a loyal friend and who is not. Life is a long time full of troubles, difficulties, hardships and pains Road to make good friends, let the flowers of friendship bloom.



