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推荐人:admim 时间: 2023-09-28 16:06:55 阅读: 次


前言: 关于”游泳的经历“的英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:Swimming experience。以下是关于游泳的经历的六级英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

关于”游泳的经历“的英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:Swimming experience。以下是关于游泳的经历的六级英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

关于”游泳的经历“的英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:Swimming experience。以下是关于游泳的经历的六级英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Swimming experience

Now, my favorite sport is swimming. However, I was always afraid of swimming until I graduated from high school. I will tell you why I changed my mind.

When I was a child, I often went fishing with my father unfortunately. One day, I fell down and suddenly jumped into the river. I cried to my father, help, of course.

Before I learned how to swim, my father jumped into the river and got me out of the river as soon as possible It's out of here. I have nothing, but I don't want to swim any more. I'm just too scared to touch the water in the river or the swimming pool.

Of course, I lost my courage. My parents wanted to teach me how to swim, but I refused to graduate from high school. I think I should change some things in my life.

I am an adult. I should have the courage to face all the things I have been afraid of. I should try to swim.

I overcome my fear and learn swimming skills. Since then, swimming has become my favorite sport. I prefer to be in the swimming pool Swimming is not swimming in the river.

The reason is very simple. Swimming in the river is very dangerous because my swimming skills are very poor. Secondly, there is a changing room in the swimming pool where I can change my work clothes into swimming clothes.

If possible, I want to go swimming with my friends.





Swimming in the sea in the hot summer, I went to Qingdao, a port city in Shandong Province. One afternoon, I decided to go to the seaside to spend the heat. This was the first time I had ever swam in the sea.

I was very worried because although I was not bad at swimming in the swimming pool, the sea was not the same. The waves rushed to the s one by one and made a lot of noise. I thought they were going to swallow me up Yes.

I cautiously and slowly scared, I approached the water, how cold it was, I was about to give it up, suddenly saw a little boy a head shorter than me, he looked very weak, he did not hesitate to jump into the sea, I feel a bit frustrated, a timid girl said to herself, his courage inspired me, I continue to move forward quickly, my body is covered with water Before I was ready to dive, a wave hit my face fiercely. The water entered my eyes, nose and mouth. It was so bitter and salty.

I tasted it, but I was not discouraged. I wiped the water off my face, took a deep breath and began to swim happily. The waves are getting bigger and bigger.

It seems that when I see waves in the distance, the sea is angry with me. I will hold my breath. Just before it reaches my place, I jump up and easily restrain myself.

How excited I am, just like lying in the clouds all afternoon, I swim and jump and have a good time. Finally, I have to leave. I have a look at the sea and the waves are still there Beating the coast, but I'm no longer afraid.

I have to thank the little boy for giving me courage, the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences winter in Xinjiang.


在海里游泳在炎热的夏天,我去了山东省的一个港口城市青岛,一天下午,我决定去海边消暑,这是我有生以来第一次在海里游泳,我很担心,因为虽然我在游泳池里游泳并不差,大海不一样,海浪一个接一个地冲到岸边,发出很大的声响,我以为它们要把我吞没了。我小心翼翼地慢慢地吓坏了,我走近水面,天有多冷,我正要放弃它,突然看到一个比我矮一个头的小男孩,他看起来很虚弱,他毫不犹豫地径直跳进海里,我感到有点灰心,一个胆小的女孩对自己说,他的勇敢鼓舞了我,我继续前进很快,我的身体都被水覆盖了,在我准备下潜之前,一个浪头猛烈地打在我的脸上,水进入我的眼睛,鼻子和嘴巴,它是多么的苦和咸尝了尝但我一点也不气馁我擦去脸上的水,深深地吸了一口气,开始愉快地游泳。海浪越来越大,好像我看到远处有波浪时,大海在生我的气,我会屏住呼吸,就在它到达我所处的地方之前,我跳了起来,轻松地克制住自己,我是多么兴奋就像整个下午都躺在云端一样,我又游又跳,玩得很开心,最后我不得不离开,我最后看了看大海,海浪还在拍打着海岸,但我不再害怕,我必须感谢小男孩对自己说,是他给了我勇气中国社会科学院) 新疆之冬。


I like swimming. I like swimming, because I find swimming cool, relaxing and always hot in summer. We can't do any sports except swimming.

I can amuse myself. I began to learn swimming from the age of eight. After three weeks of study, I learned very fast.

So I went swimming with my friends in my spare time. But now I'm tired of swimming pool. I dream of being in the swimming pool Swimming in the sea.


