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推荐人:admim 时间: 2023-09-28 17:27:12 阅读: 次


前言: 关于”盐“的英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:salt。以下是关于盐的初二英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。




Science and technology salt tolerant rice nuclear power crop ; physics and biology meet in a project salt tolerant rice ; nuclear power crop selective breeding - after years of selection and combination, larger seeds, more delicious fruits or any other required mutation are produced. Now, these mutations are not accidental, they are induced intentionally, usually by exposing seeds to radiation, as Tomoko Abe and her colleagues at RIKEN did, and the Sina accelerator Science Center in Saitama, outside Tokyo, is studying rice. Instead of mutating her crops with nano-x-rays and gamma rays, as most other countries do, Dr Abe places them in a particle accelerator and bombards them with stripped heavy ion atoms to remove electrons.

The number of mutations produced by this method is 10 to 10 times higher than that of traditional methods, thus increasing the number of errors in some useful mutations The probability of.


科学技术 耐盐水稻 核动力作物 物理学与生物学在一个项目中相遇 耐盐水稻 核动力作物选择性育种——经过多年的选择和组合,产生了更大的、更美味的水果或其他任何需要的突变。现在,这些突变不是偶然发生的,而是故意诱导的,通常是将暴露在辐射下,这正是Tomoko Abe和她在Riken的同事们所做的位于东京郊外埼玉市的西娜科学中心正在研究水稻。不同的是,博士没有像其他大多数国家那样,使用纳米x射线和伽马射线来突变她的作物,而是把它们放在粒子中,用被剥离的重离子大原子轰击通过去除电子,这种方法产生的突变数量是传统方法的10倍到10倍,因此增加了在一些有用的突变中出错的几率。


You put salt on my body, please sit on the salt, the salt of the earth, you are the salt of the earth. But if salt loses its taste, where will it come from? The working class of the world please sit on the salt. When I enter the banquet hall, they all stand up and ask me to sit on the salt.

They think they are native salt.




Salt is a kind of metal ion or ammonium ion (NH4 +) combined with ions or non-metallic ions such as sodium chloride, calcium nitrate, ferrous sulfate and ammonium acetate, such as calcium sulfate, copper chloride, sodium acetate, etc. generally, salt is the product of double decomposition reaction (salt reacts with salt to produce new salt), and reacts with salt, salt and alkali to generate new salt and alkali, and salt and acid react with acid to form salt and acid, such as sulfuric acid and hydrogen oxidation Sodium forms sodium sulfate and water, and silver chloride and silver nitrate react with nitric acid to form salt. For example, the conductivity of soluble salt solution in displacement reaction is due to its ion-free mobility, so it can be used as electrolyte.


