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推荐人:admim 时间: 2023-09-28 18:19:45 阅读: 次


前言: 关于”莎士比亚“的英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:Shakespeare。以下是关于莎士比亚的专八英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。




William Shakespeare's great monologue Romeo and Juliet Act 3 Romeo my love my wife death of the honey you breathe has no power for your beauty... You haven't been conquered yet... Your lips and cheeks are crimson...

The pale flag of death doesn't advance there···· ··············I believe that the death of nothingness is sentimental, so that you can become his mistress in the dark. Here, I will establish my eternal rest here, and get rid of the shackles of the unlucky stars. From this world weary body, I will take a last look at you, embrace your last lips, seal the door of breath with a just kiss, and seal the door with a just kiss Eternal transaction death.




It was not until the 18th century that his reputation began to rise to the present level. Romantics, especially the genius of Shakespeare, praised him. In the 19th century, Victorian heroes worshipped Shakespeare with a reverent attitude.

In the 20th century, George Bernard Shaw called him "the Bard", and Shakespeare's works appeared repeatedly It has been adopted and rediscovered by the new movement of academic and performing circles. These plays are still very popular today and are constantly being performed and reinterpreted in different cultural and political contexts around the world.




William Shakespeare's the empty ship (W Shakespeare, 1600) original name: Edward De William Shakespeare, the great British playwright and poet, was born in Stratford dubonavon Shakespeare in wattenwickshire, England. He received a good education in the local grammar school when he was young However, he did not go to university. He left the company that had lived in London for many years to become an actor and playwright and began his writing career.

He stood on the stage of the drama world and became an English stage master four years later. When he left his hometown London and died in April, he was killed by William Shakespeare de Ville, the town of the Trinity Church.


威廉·莎士比亚《空船造》(w莎士比亚,千六百)原名:爱德华·德韦尔斯(Edward De Vere)公元xx月在英国特拉福德镇xx月朱利安历法(xx月英国著名剧作家和诗人,主要作品有《罗密欧与朱丽叶》、《哈姆雷特》,英国伟大的剧作家、诗人威廉·莎士比亚出生于英国瓦顿维克郡斯特拉特福·杜波纳冯·莎士比亚青年时期在当地文法学校接受了良好的教育,但没有上过大学,离开多年生活在伦敦的剧团成为一名演员和剧作家,开始了他的写作生涯而他站在戏剧世界的舞台上,xx年后已成为英国舞台大师,在他告别家乡伦敦xx月去世的时候被圣三位一体教堂的镇子威廉·莎士比亚·德维尔。
