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推荐人:admim 时间: 2023-09-28 18:54:56 阅读: 次


前言: 关于”谈论父亲节“的英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:Talking about father's Day。以下是关于谈论父亲节的中考英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。

关于”谈论父亲节“的英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:Talking about father's Day。以下是关于谈论父亲节的中考英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。

关于”谈论父亲节“的英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:Talking about father's Day。以下是关于谈论父亲节的中考英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Talking about father's Day

Sonora from Washington Dodd) had the idea of "father's Day" for the first time. She thought of father's day when she was listening to the mother's Day sermon in Sonora. She hoped to have a special day to commemorate her father, William Smart, a civil war veteran whose wife died at the birth of their sixth child.

Mr. smart had to raise one of them in eastern Washington state After a newborn and five other children grew up in Sonora on a rural farm, she realized that her father showed selflessness in raising the children. Her father made all the sacrifices for her parents.

In her daughter's eyes, he was a brave and selfless person. However, Sonora's father was born in June, so she chose to hold the first time in Spokane, Washington on June Father's Day celebrations: after President Calvin Coolidge supported the idea of National Father's day, President Lyndon Johnson signed a presidential proction declaring Sunday June 3 as president's father's day. Richard Nixon signed the law and made it permanent.


来自华盛顿的索诺拉·多德(Sonora Dodd)第一次有了“父亲节”的想法,她在索诺拉听母亲节的布道时想到了父亲节这个想法,她希望有一个特殊的日子来纪念她的父亲,威廉·斯马特是一名内战退伍,他的妻子在生下他们的第六个孩子时去世,斯马特先生不得不抚养他们在华盛顿州东部的一个乡村农场里,一个新生儿和另外五个孩子在索诺拉长大后,她意识到父亲在抚养孩子时表现出的无私,是她的父亲为父母做出了一切牺牲,在女儿看来,他是一个勇敢、无私的人,而爱侣索诺拉的父亲出生于xx月,因此她选择xx月日在华盛顿州斯波坎举行第一次父亲节庆祝活动,总统卡尔文·柯立芝在支持全国父亲节的想法后,在林登·约翰逊总统签署总统公告,宣布xx月xx日星期日为总统父亲节理查德·签署了这项法律,最终使之永久化。


Sonora from Washington Dodd) had the idea of "father's Day" for the first time. She thought of father's day when she was listening to the mother's Day sermon in Sonora. She hoped to have a special day to commemorate her father, William Smart, a civil war veteran whose wife died at the birth of their sixth child.

Mr. smart had to raise one of them in eastern Washington state After a newborn and five other children grew up in Sonora on a rural farm, she realized that her father showed selflessness in raising the children. Her father made all the sacrifices for her parents.

In the eyes of her daughter, he was a brave and selfless person. On the president's father's day on June 3, she signed the declaration of "father's Day" to support the president's father's day On the father's day of President Johnson at that time, Richard Nixon signed the law and made it permanent, quoting a saying about father: "a father always turns a child into a little woman. When she is a woman, he abandons her" Enid Bagnold.

"None of you will be proud of being such a father's child No father in the world is so great, so excellent and so perfect. You should follow his steps. Don't lose heart, because if you want to be really like him, I'm sure none of you will be like him in some ways.

Therefore, you will get a lot of "Victoria, Queen of England", which is a father's thankless position in the family It's the breadwinner for all, and the enemy in all the "J August" In Strindberg, a wise father knows his child "William Shakespeare". One father is better than a hundred teachers. "British proverb" there is an absolute rule to be a successful father: when you have a child, don't look at "Ernest Hemingway" for the first two years.

I can't think of any need so strong in childhood as the need for father protection "Sigmund Freud.


来自华盛顿的索诺拉·多德(Sonora Dodd)第一次有了“父亲节”的想法,她在索诺拉听母亲节的布道时想到了父亲节这个想法,她希望有一个特殊的日子来纪念她的父亲,威廉·斯马特是一名内战退伍,他的妻子在生下他们的第六个孩子时去世,斯马特先生不得不抚养他们在华盛顿州东部的一个乡村农场里,一个新生儿和另外五个孩子在索诺拉长大后,她意识到父亲在抚养孩子时表现出的无私,是她的父亲为父母做出了一切牺牲,在女儿看来,他是一个勇敢、无私的人,在xx月xx日总统的父亲节上,她在总统的父亲节上签署了“父亲节”的宣言,支持了当时的总统约翰逊的父亲节理查德·签署了这项法律,并最终使之永久化,引用了关于父亲的话:“父亲总是把孩子变成一个小女人,当她是个女人的时候,他又把她抛弃了”伊妮德·巴格诺德“你们谁也不会为自己是这样一个父亲的孩子而感到骄傲,他在这个世界上没有一个父亲是如此伟大、如此优秀、如此完美地努力你们要追随他的脚步,不要灰心,因为要真正像他一样,我敢肯定,你们中没有一个会在某些方面像他一样,因此,你们会得到很多“维多利亚,英格兰女王”,这是父亲在家庭中吃力不讨好的地位,是所有人的养家糊口,也是敌人在所有的“J August Strindberg”中,一个聪明的父亲知道自己的孩子“威廉·莎士比亚”一个父亲胜过一百个教师“英国谚语”要成为一个成功的父亲有一个绝对的规则:当你有孩子的时候,不要看它的头两年“欧内斯特·海明威”我想不出童年有什么需要这么强烈作为对父亲保护的需要“西格蒙德·弗洛伊德。


My mother is a virtuous wife and good mother. She is of medium height and beautiful face. She is a generous, kind and warm-hearted woman.

She looks like the actor Wang Tangfeng. My mother has retired. Now she lives on pension / social welfare and lives with us.

She is good at cooking and often invites us to have big dinners from different provinces I like to eat my mother's food very much. He likes watching TV. My mother and I like to go shopping together.

Sometimes we go shopping together. When I'm in trouble, she always encourages me to do our best. She often says that whether you win or not, the important thing is to do your best to go east and West.

Home is the best. I wish my mother a happy life every day I love my mother. It's a Chinese tradition to respect children and support the elderly.


