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推荐人:admim 时间: 2023-09-28 22:53:22 阅读: 次


前言: 关于”recycle“的英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:recycle。以下是关于recycle的六年级英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。




With the rapid development of our civilization and the conservation of resources, our demand for various resources is faster and faster, while natural resources are increasingly scarce. It's important that we start saving now. In this case, one of the best ways that our students can do is to recycle the textbooks we use every day.

After we use them, we should continue to use new ways to find ways to recycle them, rather than simply throw them away. There are all kinds of ways to take them to recycling plants, to use them for other purposes, to pass them on to freshmen, and so on. If we start taking measures now, we can still take different actions before it's too late.





Leave the clothes in the bedroom. This is a prominent example of strict economic recycling. They recycle empty cans in order to use metal water, save electricity, save paper, not garbage, recycle as much as I can.




On the first day, we have only one "Earth Day" 2 "energy saving day" 3 "reuse paper day" 4 "reuse plastic bags" 5 "repair damaged items" 6 "do it yourself shopping bags" 7 "use towel or handkerchief" day 8 donate old books day 9 "take your own bag or backpack" day reduce packaging waste day use less paper day reduce junk mail day buy fresh food day recycle newspapers and magazines Waste mail day recycling beverage can recycle plastic bottles or garbage cans, recycle old batteries, recycle leftovers, save electricity, use energy-saving light bulb in the daytime, turn off the light when leaving the room, turn off the TV when no one is watching during the day, use the ceiling fan during the day, do not put hot food into the ice box, wash water every day, use water-saving shower head every day, repair a leaky toilet one day When you wash your face with dripping water, don't leave the water on, improve the environmental protection system, implement the environmental responsibility, protect the environment, build a better home and protect the environment. Everyone's responsibility is to do a big cleaning. A beautiful environment is really good garbage is tered resources.

Cherish the sustainable utilization of resources and purify the soul of green environment.


