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推荐人:admim 时间: 2023-09-29 00:14:00 阅读: 次


前言: 关于”运动员的品质“的英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:The quality of athletes。以下是关于运动员的品质的四级英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。

关于”运动员的品质“的英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:The quality of athletes。以下是关于运动员的品质的四级英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。

关于”运动员的品质“的英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:The quality of athletes。以下是关于运动员的品质的四级英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:The quality of athletes

As shown in the picture, athletes are running to the finish line with firm spirit to win the gold medal, which is the symbol of any athlete's success. The most human like is Liu Xiang. Liu Xiang, a famous athlete who strode forward in Athens Olympic Games, is generally regarded as a highly praised quality, not a genius or an extraordinary ability, which enables us to cope with and overcome any difficulties.

It is this spirit that enables us to endure difficulties and achieve our goals. Firmness gives us light in the dark, encourages us to be frustrated with this quality, no enemy can overwhelm us, no obstacle can stop us. There are many successful examples, which are realized by the strong will of spirit.

As shown in the figure, athletes are running to the finish line with firm spirit to win the gold medal. For any athlete, the sign of success is determination. It is not easy to cultivate such determination.

We must have a firm belief in our actions and be prepared to devote ourselves to them. We must bravely go through difficulties and hardships, exercise our willpower, so as to eliminate its weaknesses. Our moral character is around us.

There are many people with such strong determination and spirit, which set a good example for us.





As shown in the picture, athletes are running to the finish line with firm spirit to win the gold medal. Liu Xiang, my favorite athlete, is regarded as a symbol of success. The determination of Liu Xiang, a famous athlete striding forward in Athens Olympic Games, is generally regarded as a highly praised quality.

It is neither genius nor extraordinary ability, which enables us to cope with and overcome any difficulties It is this spirit that enables us to achieve our goals in difficult times. Firm spirit gives us light in the dark. When we are frustrated by this quality, it encourages us.

No enemy can overwhelm us, no obstacle can stop us. Many successful examples are achieved through strong will. As shown in the figure, athletes are running to the end with firm spirit to win gold medals.

For any athlete, determination is a symbol of success. It is not easy to cultivate such determination. We must have a firm belief in our actions and be ready to devote ourselves to them.

We must bravely endure hardships and hardships and hone our will. Such will and spirit are quite a few people around us. Such strong determination and spirit set an example for us.




Swimming includes swimming, water polo, diving and synchronized swimming, which are managed by the international swimming Management Federation. Therefore, the Chinese Swimming Association also organizes these sports. (a) swimming includes various kinds of postures, such as troke, dolphin or erfly that imitates the body movements of animals.

According to the water posture of human zooplankton, there are four kinds of postures: erfly stroke, troke and crawl stroke Backstroke, troke and freestyle water polo is a kind of ball game in the water. At each stage of the competition, the swimmers are required to master all the special swimming techniques, various techniques and tactics to control the ball, and have good physical and willpower quality. They can jump, rotate and rotate from different heights of the springboard and platform to enter the water The results of the evaluation of the correctness and proficiency of each person's run-up, take-off, technique and water entry in the sports competition show that synchronized swimming, which has a great influence on the development of agility and the cultivation of courage and volition, is also called "water ballet".

It is a combination of swimming, gymnastics, dance and other events. In unexpected technical sports, it plays an important role in sports Members' body, swimsuit, headdress, music and description have higher requirements. It uses the movement of athletes' body suce and music to divide the beauty and skills of synchronized swimming into single, double and collective competitions.

Although there is no strong competition scene, the beautiful enjoyment brought to the audience is a kind of sports that can not be replaced by other sports. It is the athletes wearing special swimsuits In the swimming pool, the events include POSCO, breathing naked swimming, swimming, water hunting and underwater orienteering. Underwater rugby and underwater hockey are not under the jurisdiction of the swimming association.


