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推荐人:admim 时间: 2023-09-29 03:54:56 阅读: 次


前言: 关于”购物的情景对话“的英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:Scene dialogue of shopping。以下是关于购物的情景对话的初一英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

关于”购物的情景对话“的英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:Scene dialogue of shopping。以下是关于购物的情景对话的初一英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

关于”购物的情景对话“的英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:Scene dialogue of shopping。以下是关于购物的情景对话的初一英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Scene dialogue of shopping

What can I do for you? Can I help you? What can I do for you? What can I do for you? What shirt (pen...) How big do you like Do you want this size (is this the color category (are these OK) (do you want me to see if I want something else? Do you have something I want. How much is it (they are what you want). Can it be cheaper.




a: Can you tell me how much it is? B: near a dollar: too much. B: we can follow the pattern. A: we have to ask for a lower price.

B: you can reduce the price again. A: how much do you want? B: can I give you one euro. A: tax is already included in the price.

B: we can't match it. A: will you consider volume discount? B: if you buy more or more, you will get a discount Deduction a: I accept your offer. How much is it? Do you have a discount? I can have a bag.

How much are these bags? Thank you for a bag. Yes, please don't. thank you for any cash return.

Can I have pound sterling cash? May I see your ID card? Do you have a ID card? Do you have an age student ID driver's license on your passport? I'm sorry, this card can't be done. It's OK to try this one. I'll pay in cash.

It says why you sign here. Have a good time.


a: 你能告诉我这是多少钱吗b:在a美元附近:太多了b:我们可以按模式a:我们必须要求再降价b:你可以再减价一次a:你要多少钱b:我给你的价格是欧元一块可以吗a:税已经包含在价格中了b:是的我们的价格无法与之匹配a:你会考虑批量折扣吗b:如果你购买或更多,你会得到折扣a:我接受你的报价它是多少你有折扣吗我可以要一个袋子这些袋子是多少钱是多少谢谢你需要一个袋子是的,请不要,谢谢任何现金返还我可以要英镑现金吗我可以看一下你的身份证吗你有身份证吗?你有没有护照上有年龄的学生证驾驶证对不起,这张卡办不到,试试这张没关系,我用现金付款,上面写着为什么你在这里签名祝你愉快。


Jerry: Hi, Rachel, long time no see. How are you doing? Rachel: Hi, Jerry, this is Gretel Hanks. How are you doing? Jerry: not very well, I'm busy with the final exam.

Rachel: Well, Don't worry. You can do it. Where are you going? Jerry: Yes, shopping.

You'd like to go with me. Morrich: it sounds like shopping. Great.

What do you want to buy? Jerry: my bad Milton has been broken. I need a new one. Well, which one are you going to the mall? Jerry: elwanda Plaza Rachel: Yeah? Far away from the square.

Jerry: not far. A few minutes from here I hope so. So Rachel: Thank you.

Let's go.


