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推荐人:admim 时间: 2023-09-29 06:11:51 阅读: 次


前言: 关于”我有一个什么“的英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:I have a what。以下是关于我有一个什么的高二英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

关于”我有一个什么“的英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:I have a what。以下是关于我有一个什么的高二英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

关于”我有一个什么“的英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:I have a what。以下是关于我有一个什么的高二英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:I have a what

I have a dream good morning, ladies and gentlemen: everyone sitting here has his own dream. Martin Luther King's dream is to let all black slaves not indulge in the valley of despair. Abraham Lincoln's dream is to unite all Americans.

Today I am proud to say that I have a dream, my dream is to become a diplomat if I were a diplomat, First of all, I will devote myself to the issue of Taiwan. Most Chinese people strongly oppose Taiwan's independence because we have been separated from our relations and friends for many years. As President Lincoln said: a nation that kills itself cannot be a diplomat.

I will try to reunite all families and shorten the spiritual distance between the two peoples. At present, China plays an important economic and political role in the world, so I believe I can persuade the United States, Britain and Russia and other major powers to support our one China policy. I want to bring eternal peace to mankind.

Terrorists are rampant, and thousands of civilians have been killed and injured in explosions and attacks. Others have lost their children, wives have lost their husbands. Terrorism has brought pain to all people.

Everyone, no matter who he is or where he lives, is born to fight against terrorism. Therefore, as a diplomat, I have the responsibility to ally with all anti-terrorism countries and liberate civilians from the spiritual shackles. If I were a diplomat, I would take President Lincoln as an example and hold a grudge against anyone.

Different people have different opinions. I will use all of me Thanks for your knowledge and wisdom. In one word, we will firmly push China into a bright and hopeful future.


我有一个梦想 早上好女士们先生们: 坐在这里的每个人都有自己的梦想马丁·路德·金斯的梦想是让所有的黑人奴隶不沉溺于绝望的山谷亚伯拉罕·林肯的梦想是团结所有的美国人今天我自豪地说,我有一个梦想,我的梦想是成为一名外交官 如果我是一名外交官,首先,我将致力于问题大多数中国强烈反对独立,因为我们已经与我们的关系和朋友分离了多年,正如林肯总统所说的那样:一个自相残杀的国家不能作为一个外交官,我会努力让所有的家庭团聚,缩短两国的心灵距离。现在,中国在世界上扮演着重要的经济和角色,所以我相信我能够说服美英俄等大国支持我们的一个中国政策,我要给人类带来永恒的和平猖獗,成千上万的平民在爆炸和袭击中丧生受伤。其他人失去了他们的孩子,妻子失去了他们的丈夫。



Everyone has his own dream in his heart. I also dream of becoming a table tennis player, because I like playing table tennis very much. Table tennis is the most popular sport in China.

Our country won almost all the gold medals in the Olympic Games. I play table tennis every day at school. My teacher taught me seriously.

Strictly speaking, I have great potential. In order to realize my dream, I have to work hard. Fortunately, my parents support me very much.

I believe I can achieve it.





My parents are the best people in the world. They treat me very well. They never yell at me.

I want to do something for them. So I study very hard to get the highest score in the class. I just want to make my parents proud of me.

This is my secret. I won't tell my parents. I want to surprise them.


