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推荐人:admim 时间: 2023-09-29 06:15:32 阅读: 次


前言: 关于”job“的英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:job。以下是关于job的专业英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。




Middle school students have some ideas about their future jobs. The most significant contrast is in Teaching: there are% girls who want to be teachers, while only% of boys want to do this job,%, boys want to do business, and% of boys want to be lawyers, while girls account for% of the two fields. What boys like to do is to become managers), and the second largest group wants to become a subject Besides teaching, girls' second choice is to be a scientist The number of managers is not small, and girls also want to show their abilities in these two fields.




When we were on holiday in Oahu, we were sitting in the coach waiting for some casual people to show up. A man was obviously not in our line. He approached the bus and was about to get on.

Our driver immediately wanted to know. He leaned his head against the door and asked, "to the nudist colony, sir"; "Oh, no," the man replied, "the driver blinked "Every time has a job", driver blinks , driver blinks ԡ ԡ ???? ???? , driver blinks what's the situation of our driver, we want to know we want to know ԡ ԡ ; what was the situation of the driver of our driver, we want to know what was the situation of the driver of our driver, we want to know ԡ ; we want to know ; we want to know ; ④ ④ ④ ④ ④ ④ ④ ④ ④ ④ ④ we want to know ԡ heleaned against the door.


在瓦胡岛度假的时候,我们坐在旅游车里等着一些散漫的人出现,一个人显然不在我们的队伍里,走近大巴,正要上车,我们的司机马上就想知道,他把头靠在门口,问道:“去主义者聚居地,先生”;“哦,不,”那人回答说司机眨眼 “每一次都有工作”,司机眨眼 注意事项: 旅游大巴有些人出现了 ②一个男人我们的司机当时的情况如何,我们想知道 ④他靠在车门上。


Shortly after I came home from college, my father was out doing yard work. He found a bird under the tree and thought it had fallen from its nest and wanted to send the little thing back to his home. My father came back and took the ladder.

He found another bird on the ground. Suddenly, he heard a loud noise and looked up. My father saw the mother bird putting boots for the third baby from the nest.

My father walked into our house, watched my TV, and then yelled loudly, "looking for a job" 13 Suppose V, father found three birds on the ground before entering the house. The father saw the mother bird kicking the bird and thought that his son had grown up and could support himself.


我刚从大学回家不久,父亲在外面做院子里的活。他在树下发现了一只小鸟,以为它是从巢里掉下来的,想把这个小东西送回自己的家里。我爸爸回来后去拿,他在地上发现了另一只小鸟,突然他听到上面有一声巨响,抬头望去,我父亲看见母鸟从巢里给第三个宝宝穿靴子,爸爸走进我们的房子,看了我一眼电视,然后汪汪叫了起来,“找份工作” 假设v,父亲进屋前在地上发现了三只小鸟。

