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给老师的慰问信_A letter of sympathy to the teacher 4篇

推荐人:admim 时间: 2023-09-29 09:54:47 阅读: 次

给老师的慰问信_A letter of sympathy to the teacher 4篇

前言: 关于”给老师的慰问信“的英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:A letter of sympathy to the teacher。以下是关于给老师的慰问信的托福英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

关于”给老师的慰问信“的英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:A letter of sympathy to the teacher。以下是关于给老师的慰问信的托福英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:A letter of sympathy to the teacher

A letter of condolence to the parents of the Colombian astronauts. I am a student from China's X Middle School. My name is Li Ming.

When I learned on TV that the Columbia space shuttle disintegrated during its return and all seven astronauts were killed, I was very sad that you lost your lovely son and daughter. You must be very sad, but you must also feel for your children Pride, because they have made a great contribution to the space industry, so please restrain your sadness. Although they steal this time, we can learn some experience from their failure.

We will continue to develop space projects, because we can explore this space through these projects and search for more information about sion, which is the truth that they have never done Sincere Li Ming astronaut.




(a letter of condolence) to the parents of the Colombian astronauts. I am a student from China's X Middle School. My name is Li Ming.

When I learned from TV that the Columbia space shuttle disintegrated during re-entry into the atmosphere, all seven astronauts lost their lives. You must be very sad to lose your lovely sons and daughters. You should also be for you Children are proud, because they have made great contributions to the space project, so please restrain your sorrow.

Although they stole things this time, I can learn some experience from their failure. We will continue to develop space projects because we can explore space projects and search for more information through these projects. They are not sincere to you.




Dear victims, the earthquake that happened in Sichuan Province two weeks ago was a huge disaster for our whole country. Up to now, it has caused economic and life losses. 50000 people have lost their lives in the earthquake.

What's more, 5 million people are homeless because most of the buildings collapsed. We feel sorry for the accident. Many children have lost their parents and many couples have lost their loved ones.

When I heard the news, I couldn't help crying. The touching story happened in the disaster. Our whole country is a big family, and every member wants to extend a helping hand to the people in the epicenter of the earthquake.

We must show our enthusiasm and donate money to the disaster area Since the earthquake, they have taken a series of actions. I believe that the disaster area will soon work with the soldiers to restore other enthusiastic people to help the future bright, and sincerely refuel for you XXX.



本文标题:给老师的慰问信_A letter of sympathy to the teacher 4篇