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帮助的英语作文_help 3篇

推荐人:admim 时间: 2023-09-29 11:59:27 阅读: 次

帮助的英语作文_help 3篇

前言: 关于”帮助“的英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:help。以下是关于帮助的专业英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。



It is very common for high school girls to diet in order to keep fit. They eat very little or even very little in order to keep slim, which makes them easily tired. Therefore, they can't concentrate on their studies and suffer huge losses.

They don't realize what they have done wrong. A good dinner can provide them with the energy and nutrition they need when they study. And more exercise is the best way to not only build a good body, but also effectively rejuvenate their health.




As the saying goes, send roses, send fragrance in our daily life, we will encounter a lot of trouble ; as the saying goes, roses, fragrance in our daily life, we will encounter a lot of trouble, so we need to help those who are in trouble I still remember that I helped one of my classmates to study his English in the first semester of the eighth grade of junior high school. One of my classmates, Li Hua, was not good at English. One day, he asked me to help him with my good grades.

So from then on, whenever he had any questions, he would ask me. I patiently explained to him that his English improved with my help. I found my English improved In fact, helping others is helping ourselves.


俗话说,送玫瑰,送芬芳在我们的日常生活中,我们会遇到很多麻烦 俗话说,玫瑰送,香味在我们的日常生活中,我们会遇到很多麻烦,所以我们有必要帮助那些有困难的人 我仍然记得我在我们的时候帮助过我的一个同学学习他的英语初八第一学期,我的一个同学李华,英语不好,而我有一天成绩很好,他让我帮他,所以从那时起,每当他有问题,他都会问我,我耐心地向他慢慢解释,他的英语在我的帮助下提高了,我发现我的英语也提高了 其实,帮助别人在帮助我们自己。


Help parents. Parents are often angry with life's troubles. For example, your mother is not satisfied with her boss.

If she doesn't have any other way to express her emotions, she may go home and yell at you, scream at your father, kick the dog, or say something meaningful to you. When an adult in your life has difficulty controlling his or her anger, how to deal with it: don't make things worse. It's hard for angry people to think clearly, so try not to do anything or say anything that makes things worse.

Wait for your parents to calm down, then talk to him or her in a calm voice and try to explain how to do it Ring you yell scream handle adult calm tone influence.


帮助父母父母经常因为生活中的麻烦而生气,比如说,妈对她的老板不满意如果她没有其他方式来表达她的情绪,她可能会回家对你大喊大叫,对爸尖叫,踢狗,或者说一些对你有意义的话。当你生活中的一个成年人很难控制他的或她的愤怒时,这是如何处理的:不要让事情变得更糟愤怒的人很难思考清楚,所以尽量不要做任何事情或说任何让事情变得更糟的事情等你的父母冷静下来,然后用平静的语气和他或她交谈,并试着解释如何去做愤怒正在影响你 大叫 尖叫 处理 冷静 语气 影响。

本文标题:帮助的英语作文_help 3篇