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我的梦想英语作文30词_My dream 30 words 4篇

推荐人:admim 时间: 2023-09-29 12:52:50 阅读: 次

我的梦想英语作文30词_My dream 30 words 4篇

前言: 关于”我的梦想30词“的英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:My dream 30 words。以下是关于我的梦想30词的中考英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

关于”我的梦想30词“的英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:My dream 30 words。以下是关于我的梦想30词的中考英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:My dream 30 words

Changing the length of life is much harder than changing the depth of life. You regret that you haven't done much more than you have done; when you stop chasing the wrong thing, you give you an opportunity to catch you; one of the biggest challenges in life is to be yourself in a world that strives to create. You like other people enjoy small things, because one day you may look back and find that they are big things.

Read the great book Anyone can do something to make a person smile and change the world. It may not be the whole world, but their world everything is a lesson in life, everything you encounter, and all the learning experiences we call "life". Remember this, especially when you can't find the job you want or a relationship doesn't work, it just means better Things are waiting for you, and the lesson you've just learned is the first step towards it; no matter how dirty your past is, your future is still spotless.

Don't start with the pieces of yesterday. Every day is a new start. Every morning we wake up is the first day for the rest of our lives.


改变生命的长度比改变生命的深度要难得多。你后悔自己没有做的事情比你做过的事情多得多;当你停止追逐错误的事情时,你就给了一个抓住你的机会;生活中最大的挑战之一就是在一个努力创造的世界里做自己你喜欢其他人 享受小事情,因为有一天你可能会回过头来,发现他们是大事,读《了不起的书》;任何人都可以有所作为让一个人微笑改变世界也许不是整个世界,但他们的世界 每件事都是人生的一课,你遇到的每件事,等等我们称之为“生活”的所有学习经验都要记住这一点,尤其是当你找不到你想要的工作或一段关系不起作用的时候,它只意味着更好的东西在等待着你,而你刚刚学到的教训是迈向它的第一步;不管你的过去有多肮脏,你的未来依然一尘不染不要从昨天的碎片开始你的一天每一天都是一个新的开始每一天都是一个新的开始每一天早上我们醒来都是第一天我们的余生。


I'm glad to date you tomorrow, but I have a bad cold and a fever today. The doctor suggested that I take a few days off. I'm afraid I can't see you tomorrow.

I'm sorry. If you're free, we can meet another day. I hope you will reply.





My parents work in a s factory. They get up at half past five. They prepare breakfast first and then go to work by bus.

They work there from eight to five. They go home around six o'clock to prepare for us. Super mom does laundry for us in the evening.

Dad often makes toys for us. They are very busy all day.



本文标题:我的梦想英语作文30词_My dream 30 words 4篇