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学习英语的英语作文_study 3篇

推荐人:admim 时间: 2023-09-29 14:01:16 阅读: 次

学习英语的英语作文_study 3篇

前言: 关于”学习“的英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:study。以下是关于学习的小学英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。



Just as food is to the body and learning to the mind, our body grows and muscles are developed. Similarly, we should learn from day to day to maintain our keen intelligence and expand our intelligence. Continuous learning provides us with inexhaustible power and promotes us to improve our ability of reasoning, ysis and judgment.

Continuous learning is the most reliable way to keep pace with the times in the information age, and it is also an absolutely correct guarantee. Once learning stops, it is a common fallacy to regard school as the only workshop for acquiring knowledge. On the contrary, learning should be a never-ending process.

From cradle to grave, with the world changing rapidly, it is OK to stop learning for a few days. What's worse for a person to lag behind The animal instinct that lurks in our subconscious will revive, weaken our will to pursue lofty ideals, weaken our determination to remove obstacles to success, strangle our desire to perfect our personality. Lack of learning will inevitably lead to stagnation of human thought, and even worse, its rigidity.

Therefore, in order to maintain our spiritual youth, we must take learning as a lifelong one cause.




Isn't it great to be paid for learning, even at the minimum wage? Hey, where do you work? Oh, I'm paid very well. Not only do I get a dollar an hour, but I'm smarter. Yes, it only happens in our dreams (if you dream of that, the only reward we get when we study is the score we get in return) Whether learning is good or bad, learning is a fact in our life.

If it doesn't take up most of your time, it will take up most of our time. You are obviously a privileged, naturally intelligent other student. I want to share some learning skills with you.

First of all, I want to tell you that the learning skill is to write down your notes. Now I know Do you think about yourself? Is she crazy? I've spent an hour writing once, once is enough, I know you've got cramps in your fingers when you're taking notes, but the second time you take notes, it's going to put information into your brain, which will make it easier for you to remember more things you need to know, because you could have written and looked at your notes twice, made and used flashcards when you had to remember a lot of information, such as definitions, and even more At what point, flashcards are a great help. Some pictures are the only drawback to flashcards.

8 is that you have to make and use them yourself, which takes time. Trust me, it's worth it. Although learning in a bag can be fun, only when you do it with the people you love, there's a learning group that will help you understand different interpretations of information, and It's not the teacher's over explanation that keeps you motivated, because you know there are other people who need to learn, and these people are your friends.

Let's face it: learning is one of the things we don't like most, but to get good grades, you have to sacrifice some time. I believe these learning methods can help relieve pain and there are many ways to learn, But I find these learning techniques to be the best for me. If they don't suit you, try other learning methods to learn takeup privilidvid] adj share [fee] VI Crump [Kramp] n plant [im5] PLB: North Carolina] vt stuff [stqf] n flashcards [` : D] n don Fu arenfei: I] n pack [Pak] n explain [in7te: pri5teifen] n.


学习贴士学习有报酬不是很好吗,即使是最低工资嘿,你在哪里工作哦,我学习的报酬很好不仅我能得到1美元的小时工资,而且我也变得更聪明了是的,这只会发生在我们的梦里(如果你梦想着那样的事情,我们学习时得到的唯一报酬就是我们得到的分数作为回报,不管学习是好是坏,学习都是我们生活中的一个事实,如果它不占用你大部分的时间,它会占用我们大部分的时间,那么你显然是一个特权,自然聪明的其他学生,我想与你分享一些学习技巧,首先重写你的笔记我想告诉你的学习技巧是把笔记写下来,现在我知道你在想你自己,她疯了吗?我花了一个小时写了一次,一次就够了,我知道你写笔记的时候手指已经抽筋了,但是第二次写笔记会把信息植入你的大脑,这将使你更容易地回忆起你需要知道的更多的东西,因为你本可以写和看两遍笔记,制作和使用抽认卡当你必须记住很多信息,如定义,甚至什么的时候,抽认卡是一个非常大的帮助某些图片是抽认卡的唯一缺点8是你必须亲自制作和使用它们,这需要时间相信我,这是值得的虽然在一个包里学习可以是有趣的,但只有当你和你喜欢的人一起做的时候,有一个学习小组会帮助你理解不同解释的信息,而不是老师的过度解释这种学习方式也会让你保持动力,因为你知道还有其他人需要学习,而这些人又是你的朋友让我们面对现实:学习是我们最不喜欢的事情之一,但是要取得好成绩,你必须牺牲一些时间我相信这些学习方法有助于缓解疼痛有很多方法可以学习,但是我发现这些学习技巧对我最有好处如果它们不适合你,试试其他的学习方法来学习takeup privilidvid]adj share[FeE]vi crump[krAmp]n inplant[im5]plB:北卡罗来纳州]vt stuff[stQf]n抽认卡[`火箭弹:d]n唐夫阿伦费:我]n包[pAk]n解释[in7tE:pri5teiFEn]n。


Focus on remembering the victims who have passed away, standing in a fair opportunity, the power of family emotions, the most le human emotions, regardless of the lamp of love, helping victims of natural disasters donate, helping their fellow citizens in need ready to lend a helping hand (John F. Kenny Dein Trailer ask what not, what can your country do for you? What can you do for your country? Patriotism: love is an emotional force that supports us no matter how dark the world around us becomes. 2.

The people of the whole country do not hesitate to give whatever they can - whether it is money or goods - to help their fellow citizens in need. ③ the best way to express love is to help those who are less fortunate than us ④ The darker the of sadness, the brighter the lamp of love. ① love is an emotional force, which can support us no matter how dark the world around us becomes.

The people of the whole country do not hesitate to donate anything they can - whether it is money or goods - to help us express love. The best way to express love is to help those who are less fortunate than us. ④ the darker the of sadness, The light of love is brighter.



本文标题:学习英语的英语作文_study 3篇