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表示感谢的英语_beholden 2篇

推荐人:admim 时间: 2023-09-29 14:44:54 阅读: 次

表示感谢的英语_beholden 2篇

前言: 关于”表示感谢“的英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:beholden。以下是关于表示感谢的高一英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。



Dear Lisa, I'd like to write a note for you. Thank you again for the lovely plants you gave me. You sent me a plant and thank me for my efforts to organize the luncheon, especially considering that you didn't even show up.

It's a great way to get to know the other women in our neighborhood. I'm glad your family is part of our neighborhood, and I'm sure there will be more fun. Thank you again, dear David.

Thank you very much for the lovely book you gave me. I put it on our coffee table and everyone stopped to browse it. It's interesting.

Do you believe the cover design even matches our decoration? It's perfect in every way. Thank you again for your love for me, dear Mrs. Kabba.

It's very thoughtful of you to buy Peter a present during his convalescence. He loves spider man's spy gear so much that you can't believe his best friend was in our house the day the package arrived, and they played spy games all afternoon. He tried to grab me, sneak into his room with a motion detector, and use a telescope to search for the culprit.

It was a very interesting gift. It increased the number of monocytes. thank you.

Stacy, how do you know I like chocolate? I don't think it's a big secret, but you've got me my favorite chocolate and a bow tie. It's beautiful. I don't want to untie it (but I try to adjust my rhythm, but it'll be OK soon.

Thank you) think of me, you can't find a more perfect love,.






Thank you for contacting us. Thank you for your timely reply. Thank you for your reply.

I thank you for the information you need. Thank you for all your help. Thank you for your concern.

Thank you for your feedback. Thank you for your cooperation. Thank you for your understanding.

Thank you for your consideration. Thank you for all you have done.




I'm sorry I can't accept the invitation. Dear XX, I'm sorry I can't attend your birthday party. These days I am very busy, to deal with it, so I can't attend your birthday party.

Thank you for inviting me to your birthday party. I certainly don't want to miss any of your parties. They are always so interesting and affectionate.



本文标题:表示感谢的英语_beholden 2篇