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关于熊猫的英语作文_panda 3篇

推荐人:admim 时间: 2023-09-30 10:47:08 阅读: 次

关于熊猫的英语作文_panda 3篇

前言: 关于”熊猫“的英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:panda。以下是关于熊猫的中考英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。



(panda base) I went to the panda base with my classmates last week. It's raining, but we are very happy that there are many pandas in the base. One is eating bamboo and the other is sleeping.

They are so pleasant. I took a picture with this lovely panda. When I got home, I wrote a report about a dream pandasi had tonight.

A panda is in my dream, isn't it? Laugh at me.




China's panda looks like a bear. It has black and white fur. It only lives in China, so it is called China's national treasure and is protected by law.

We see pandas on TV or in zoos. They look stupid and slow, but they are lovely and everyone likes them. Panda is a lucky animal.

We Chinese like it, Chinese like it, the world is the same, now China's giant panda in many other countries, such as Japan and the United States. Panda is not an ordinary animal, it is a bridge of friendship.





Taxonomic position of giant panda and male cat: breast Carnivora, giant panda area, giant panda belongs to || |Appearance: length: cm, tail length: cm, shoulder width: cm, weight: G; appearance: length: s, cm, tail: cm, shoulder: cm, weight: G; body fat; arms and legs are strong; white on the face: Black snout bridge; carrying the first set of constellation type black ears above the head A black band extends from the shoulder to the entire front leg, and gradually widens. The hind legs are also black. The rest of the body is removed from the palm tree or black hair on the chest, which is white big male hair I.


大熊猫大雄猫分类位置:食肉目,大熊猫区,大熊猫所属| | |大熊猫大熊猫熊毛外a外表:是长的厘米的米,尾长厘米的米,肩宽厘米的米,体重s克|外观:长s米厘米,尾巴长厘米,肩宽厘米米,体重克重,身体肥胖,胳膊和腿健壮|在码头黑色眼圈里送脸上的白色为黑色的吻鼻梁提着第一套和报告星座型黑耳竖立在头顶上方,一条黑色的带子从肩部一直延伸到整个前腿,并逐渐变宽,后腿也是黑色的,身体的其余部分从胸前的细棕榈树或黑色的毛发中剔除,都是白色的大雄毛Ⅰ。

本文标题:关于熊猫的英语作文_panda 3篇