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英语名词所有格的用法整理_Usage arrangement of noun possessive case 2篇

推荐人:admim 时间: 2023-09-30 10:47:54 阅读: 次

英语名词所有格的用法整理_Usage arrangement of noun possessive case 2篇

前言: 关于”名词所有格的用法整理“的英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:Usage arrangement of noun possessive case。以下是关于名词所有格的用法整理的专升本英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

关于”名词所有格的用法整理“的英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:Usage arrangement of noun possessive case。以下是关于名词所有格的用法整理的专升本英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Usage arrangement of noun possessive case

Pygmalion king of Cyprus is a famous sculptor. He made an ivory woman, and he was so cute that he fell in love with it. Every day he tried to make Galatia in gold and purple, because that was the name he had given to his sweetheart.

He hugged and kissed it, but it was still a statue. In despair, he went to Aphrodite's virgin for help. He offered a great sacrifice and prayed passionately for the goddess to give him a wife as elegant as Galatia.

When he got home, he went straight to the statue. Just as he gazed at the statue, a faint color appeared on its face, a faint color shining from its eyes, and its lips opened, revealing a faint smile. Pygmalion was standing, and when urataina began to walk towards him, she could not speak.

She was simple, sweet and lively, for her delicate voice rang out in the room. His own work became his wife..







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Prep = preposition = oun n = noun v = verb conj = conjunction s = SC = o = OC = VI = intransitive verb VT = transitive verb AUXV = auxiliary verb a = adjective ad = adverb art = article num = digit int = exction u = uncountable noun C = countable noun PL = plural abbreviation adj, advvadverb (s adv, advvadverb auxiliary word CN countable noun combined with conjunction DEF) Art definite article EGF is especially suitable for ESP and so on. Other words may be that article inf infinitive int exction n noun negative (ly part adj participle adjective pers pers personal oun PL plural PP past participle pref prefix prep preposition (AL) oun Pt past form sb sb sb sb sb sb sb sb sb sb sb sb sb sb sb sb sb sb sb sb sb sb sb sb sb sb sb sb sing a few words Prep = preposition = oun n = noun v = verb conj = conjunction s = SC = o = OC = VI = intransitive verb VT = transitive verb AUXV = auxiliary adjective = adjective ad = adverb art = article number = number int = interjection http://wwwqnrcn/waiyu/sy/chyf/.


prep=介词=代词n=名词v=动词conj=连词s=sc=o=oc=vi=不及物动词vt=及物动词auxv=助动词a=形容词ad=副词art=冠词num=数字int=感叹词u=不可数名词c=可数名词pl=复数缩写词adj,advvadverb(s adv,advvadverb助词助词cn可数名词结合连词def art定冠词egf尤其适用于esp等,其他的也就是说不定冠词inf不定式int感叹词n名词否定(ly part adj分词形容词pers pers 人称代词pl复数pp过去分词pref前缀prep介词(al)代词pt过去式sb某人唱单数某物suff后缀不可数名词us america(n n v adj adv prep conj prep=介词=代词n=名词v=动词conj=连词s=sc=o=oc=vi=不及物动词vt=及物动词auxv=辅助形容词=形容词ad=副词art=文章编号=数字int=感叹词http://wwwqnrcn/waiyu/sy/chyf/。

本文标题:英语名词所有格的用法整理_Usage arrangement of noun possessive case 2篇