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观后感的英语_impressions of after reading 4篇

推荐人:admim 时间: 2023-09-30 12:18:45 阅读: 次

观后感的英语_impressions of after reading 4篇

前言: 关于”观后感“的英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:impressions of after reading。以下是关于观后感的专业英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

关于”观后感“的英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:impressions of after reading。以下是关于观后感的专业英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:impressions of after reading

Harry Potter is a series of seven fantasy novels written by British writer J. K. Rowling.

The book describes the adventures of Harry Potter, the age Wizard of the same name, and Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger. His best friend is the central character of the story, Harry's struggle with the evil wizard Voldemort, who killed Harry's father in order to conquer the wizarding world Mom, after that, he tried to make the Muggle (non magical) world surrender to his rule. Michael Bay didn't disappoint us.

I saw transformers at a press conference today, and I now have the impression that robots are as cool as they can be in the movies. Babe's view of the cult comics and animations of the 1980s has become one of the most influential movies ever made But I have to object to the fact that the Decepticons lose their individuality. They mainly destroy and kill machines.

Megatron and Starscream are more complicated characters, just like their characters in the movie. But I don't want to make fun of Spielberg and Bei, who created a huge, spectacular and interesting summer blockbuster, which can be taken as an example by the studio of sequel manufacturer Therefore, transformers not only satisfy people's sight, but also can pass the rules of Optimus Prime.




"Beautiful heart" is a very good story, but it is the only good film because its Director Ron Howard has done a great job in attracting audiences, introducing an excellent protagonist, and letting the audience experience the reality of mental illness. This may be an incredible story that many people can relate to. However, director Howard's work allows the audience to accompany Nash on his journey, and to be aware of his illness.

Anyone close to the weakness of the human mind will do the same. Appreciating how the film treats the subject with respect and honesty, Howard is able to portray all the complex reactions to mental illness while maintaining the humanity and dignity of the patient. The director was excellent, the performance of Crowe and the actors was wonderful, and the film was a success at all levels.


《美丽的心灵》是一部非常优秀的故事,但它是唯一一部优秀的电影,因为它的导演罗恩·霍华德(ron howard)在吸引观众方面做了出色的工作,介绍了一位出色的主角,让观众体验精神疾病的现实这可能是一个令人难以置信的故事,很多人都能将其与之联系起来。然而,导演霍华德展示的作品让观众能够陪伴纳什踏上他的旅程,并意识到他的疾病任何一个接近人类心灵弱点的人都会这样做欣赏这部电影如何尊重和诚实地对待这个主题,霍华德能够描绘所有复杂的心理疾病反应,同时保持病人的人性和尊严。导演出色,克劳和演员的精彩表演,这部影片在各个层面都取得了成功。


"I'm Sam" is a really wonderful movie that allows you to think and feel for hours after you walk out of the cinema. Michelle Pfeiffer is the smart, wealthy person she creates, a lawyer who realizes how empty her luxurious and successful life is. She always provides excellent performances and reminds us how wonderful and beautiful she is.

Sean Payne is so credible that you forget that he has no problem. He captures every emotion perfectly, As he showed in the potential performance of the Oscar, the young actress who plays his daughter is surprisingly mature in acting and always tries to capture the innocence of her youth. She is a combination of three excellent actors and supporting roles, as well as the real theme and style of the film "I'm Sam" becomes a really wonderful movie, which can give you a few hours' thinking and feeling after you walk out of the cinema.

Michelle Pfeiffer is the smart, wealthy person she creates, a lawyer who realizes how empty her luxurious and successful life is. She always provides excellent performances and reminds us how wonderful and beautiful she is. Sean Payne is so credible that you forget that he has no problem.

He captures every emotion perfectly, As he showed in this potential Oscar performance, the young actress who plays his daughter is amazingly mature in acting and always tries to capture the innocence of her youth. She is a combination of three excellent actors, supporting roles and real theme and style Make me a good, must see movie really inspiring young.



本文标题:观后感的英语_impressions of after reading 4篇