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推荐人:admim 时间: 2023-09-15 01:13:27 阅读: 次


前言: 关于”食物“的英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:Food。以下是关于食物的八年级英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。



Welcome to Beijing as a Chinese. I'd like to tell you something about Beijing. Please listen to me quietly.

You know that Beijing roast duck is so delicious that people all over the world like to eat it. There are also many places of interest in Beijing, such as the Great Wall, Tianmen square and the summer palace. They all heard that "if people don't go to the Great Wall, it's not a dog's nest".

If you go there, you can take photos and see the beautiful scenery. I think you will have a good time.




Chinese food is famous all over the world, and almost every foreigner will praise it. The food culture here is extensive and profound, and the food in different regions also has different characteristics. For example, although toufu jelly with the same name has different tastes in the South and the north, people in the south like to add sugar, while people in the North like to add salt.

Therefore, people will argue about which flavor is better. They want to make sure that the taste they like is the best. There is no need to argue about different tastes The variety of cooking makes Chinese food delicious and classic.

Everyone has his own choice. They should taste new taste and accept it. I have a strong desire to taste the food of every place.

Then, I can become a gourmet.




A 1-year-old man and a 1-year-old girlfriend were arrested after a food fight at a grocery store in new Brighton, Minnesota, in February after a food fight. The two eventually began throwing sweet potatoes at each other. It is said that the man threw the woman into several vegetable racks and spilled the contents.

As the two continued to fight on the floor, she was said to have stuffed lettuce in a store Man's food fight.



