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推荐人:admim 时间: 2023-09-18 16:42:14 阅读: 次


前言: 关于”亮点词汇“的英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:Highlight Vocabulary。以下是关于亮点词汇的初三英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

关于”亮点词汇“的英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:Highlight Vocabulary。以下是关于亮点词汇的初三英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Highlight Vocabulary

As the world becomes increasingly interconnected it is essential for individuals to possess a wide range of advanced vocabulary in order to effectively communicate their thoughts and ideas. Advanced vocabulary not only allows individuals to express themselves more precisely and succinctly but it also enhances their ability to comprehend complex texts and engage in meaningful conversations.

One of the key benefits of having advanced vocabulary is the ability to convey nuance and subtlety in communication. With an extensive vocabulary at their disposal individuals are able to choose the most appropriate words to accurately express their intended meaning. This not only prevents misunderstandings but also enables individuals to convey their thoughts and emotions in a more nuanced manner. For instance instead of simply saying something is "good" a person with advanced vocabulary might describe it as "exemplary" or "superlative" thereby adding depth and precision to their communication.

Moreover advanced vocabulary facilitates effective reading and comprehension of complex texts. When faced with academic or technical materials individuals equipped with a broad range of vocabulary are better able to decipher the meaning of unfamiliar words or phrases through context clues. This not only improves their understanding of the subject matter but also enhances their overall reading comprehension skills. Additionally a rich vocabulary expands one's ability to critically yze and evaluate arguments presented in written texts enabling them to engage in a more sophisticated level of discourse.

Furthermore possessing advanced vocabulary enhances one's ability to engage in meaningful conversations and express their thoughts eloquently. When engaged in discussions or debates individuals with a diverse vocabulary can effectively articulate their viewpoints their arguments more persuasive and compelling. This heightened level of eloquence allows for more engaging and fruitful conversations fostering a deeper understanding and appreciation of different perspectives.

In conclusion advanced vocabulary plays a crucial role in effective communication reading comprehension and engaging conversations. By possessing an extensive range of words at their disposal individuals can express themselves precisely comprehend complex texts and engage in meaningful discussions. Thus it is imperative for individuals to continuously expand their vocabulary in order to thrive in an increasingly interconnected world.







1. 人 (Person)man/woman person individual human being people citizen resident folk guy/girl fellow mate partner stranger acquaintance colleague

2. 动物 (Animal)animal creature beast species mammal bird reptile fish insect pet

3. 城市 (City)city town metropolis area munility community village suburb downtown uptown

4. 国家 (Country)country nation state republic kingdom empire federation province territory region

5. 学校 (School)school college university institute academy campus claoom library laboratory dormitory cafeteria

6. 工作 (Job)job occupation profession career work employment vocation trade craft skill labor

7. 家庭 (Family)family household parents children siblings spouse partner relative grandparent aunt/uncle cousin

8. 健康 (Health)health wellness fitness wellbeing hygiene nutrition exercise medicine therapy treatment

9. 媒体 (Media)media press journalism broadcasting television radio internet social media advertising

10. 环境 (Environment)environment nature ecology conservation pollution climate landscape ecosystem habitat sustainability

11. 文化 (Culture)culture tradition heritage art literature music theater film dance cuisine

12. 科技 (Technology)technology innovation invention device gadget machine computer software hardware internet

13. 旅游 (Travel)travel tourism journey trip vacation adventure exploration destination accommodation transportation

14. 社会 (Society)society community civilization population demographic ethnicity diversity equality justice democracy

15. ()government politics administration policy legislation democracy monarchy republic parliament congress


1. Euphemism (委婉语)

Euphemism is the use of a mild or indirect word or phrase in place of one considered to be harsh or blunt. It is often used to avoid causing offense or discomfort to the listener.

例句She passed away yesterday. (她昨天辞世了)

2. Ambiguity (歧义)

Ambiguity is the quality of having more than one possible meaning or interpretation. It can arise from the use of unclear or imprecise language.

例句I saw her duck. (我看见她躲避/我看见她鸭子)

3. Magnanimous (宽宏大量的)

Magnanimous means generous in forgiving an insult or injury free from petty resentfulness or vindictiveness.

例句Despite being betrayed he remained magnanimous towards his former friend. (尽管被背叛他仍旧对他前任朋友宽宏大量)

4. Ambivalent (矛盾的)

Ambivalent means having mixed feelings or contradictory ideas about something or someone.

例句I feel ambivalent about accepting the job offer. (我对于接受这份工作的邀请感到矛盾)

5. Cogent (有力的)

Cogent means clear logical and convincing.

例句Her argument was cogent and persuasive. (她的观点清晰有力并且很有说服力)

6. Esoteric (深奥的)

Esoteric means intended for or likely to be understood by only a small number of people with a specialized knowledge or interest.

例句The subject matter of her research was esoteric and difficult to comprehend. (她研究的课题内容深奥并且难以理解)

7. Nonchalant (冷漠的)

Nonchalant means feeling or appearing casually calm and relaxed not displaying anxiety interest or enthusiasm.

例句He was nonchalant about the news of his promotion. (他对于晋升的消息显得非常冷漠)

8. Pernicious (有害的)

Pernicious means having a harmful effect especially in a gradual or subtle way.

例句Smoking is a pernicious habit that can lead to serious health problems. (吸烟是一种有害的习惯会导致严重的健康问题)

9. Panacea (万能药)

Panacea means a solution or remedy for all problems or difficulties.

例句There is no panacea for the world's problems. (世界问题并没有什么万能药可以解决)

10. Pragmatic (实际的)

Pragmatic means dealing with things sensibly and realistically in a way that is based on practical rather than theoretical considerations.

例句She took a pragmatic approach to solving the problem. (她采取了实际的方式来解决问题)

