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英语演讲稿my family_托福万能英语作文4篇

推荐人:admim 时间: 2023-09-18 20:24:49 阅读: 次

英语演讲稿my family_托福万能英语作文4篇

前言: 关于”演讲稿my family“的英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:Speech by my family。以下是关于演讲稿my family的托福英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

关于”演讲稿my family“的英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:Speech by my family。以下是关于演讲稿my family的托福英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Speech by my family

My Family


Hello everyone I am honored to be here today to introduce my family to all of you. My name is Li Ming.


There are four people in my family my dad my mom my younger sister and me. We live in a small town not far from the city. Our home is very cozy and everyone is close to each other.


My dad is a doctor he is very intelligent and kind. He always takes care of the health of our family. My mom is a teacher she is patient and loving. She has taught me a lot of knowledge and values. My younger sister and I are siblings we care and support each other. I love her and care about her.


In our family everyone has their own responsibilities. I am responsible for cleaning the room and doing homework my sister is responsible for setting the table and my dad and mom are responsible for taking care of the affairs of our family. We all respect and help each other creating a happy home together.


Our family life is very rich and colorful. Every weekend we go for walks outings or have picnics in nearby parks together. Sometimes we also watch movies or play games together. These moments are our happy memories.


I am very grateful to my family. It is because of their support and love that I can become an outstanding student. I will always cherish my family study hard and strive to be a useful person.


Thank you all.


Hello everyone I am honored to be here today to introduce my family to all of you. My name is Li Ming.

There are four people in my family my dad my mom my younger sister and me. We live in a small town not far from the city. Our home is very cozy and everyone is close to each other.

My dad is a doctor he is very intelligent and kind. He always takes care of the health of our family. My mom is a teacher she is patient and loving. She has taught me a lot of knowledge and values. My younger sister and I are siblings we care and support each other. I love her and care about her.

In our family everyone has their own responsibilities. I am responsible for cleaning the room and doing homework my sister is responsible for setting the table and my dad and mom are responsible for taking care of the affairs of our family. We all respect and help each other creating a happy home together.

Our family life is very rich and colorful. Every weekend we go for walks outings or have picnics in nearby parks together. Sometimes we also watch movies or play games together. These moments are our happy memories.

I am very grateful to my family. It is because of their support and love that I can become an outstanding student. I will always cherish my family study hard and strive to be a useful person.

Thank you all.


My Family (我的家庭)

Hello everyone today I am going to talk about my family. Family is the foundation of our lives and a source of unconditional love and support. (大家好今天我要谈论的是我的家庭家庭是我们生活的基石也是无条件的爱与支持的源泉)

Let me introduce my family to you. There are four members in my family - my parents my younger brother and myself. (让我向大家介绍一下我的家庭我的家庭有四口人 - 父母、弟弟和我自己)

Firstly I would like to talk about my parents. They are the most important people in my life. My father is a doctor and my mother is a teacher. They work hard to provide a comfortable life for our family. (首先我想谈谈我的父母他们是我生活中最重要的人我爸爸是一名医生我妈妈是一名教师他们努力工作为我们家庭提供一个舒适的生活)

My father is a kind-hearted person who always puts others before himself. He takes care of all of us and ensures that we are always safe and happy. He is not only a role model for me but also a great friend whom I can always rely on. (我的爸爸是一个善良的人总是把别人放在他自己之前他照顾我们所有人确保我们始终安全快乐他不仅是我的榜样也是我能够始终依赖的一位伟大朋友)

My mother is a patient and dedicated teacher. She is always there to support and guide me in my studies and personal life. She teaches me the importance of hard work determination and never giving up. I am grateful for her unconditional love and sacrifices for our family. (我的妈妈是一位耐心而敬业的教师她总是在那里支持和指导我在学业和个人生活中她教会了我努力工作、坚定决心和永不放弃的重要性我为她对我们家庭的无条件的爱和牺牲心存感激)

Next let me talk about my younger brother. He is the sunshine of our family. He is a lively and cheerful boy who always brings laughter and joy to our home. We have a great bond and share many amazing moments together. (接下来让我谈谈我的弟弟他是我们家庭的阳光他是一个活泼开朗的男孩总是给我们家带来笑声和快乐我们有着很好的关系一起分享了许多美妙的时刻)

In conclusion my family is the center of my universe. They provide me with love support and encouragement. I am truly blessed to have such a wonderful family who always believes in me and helps me become a better person. (总之我的家庭是我世界的中心他们给予我爱、支持和鼓励我真的很幸运有这样一个美好的家庭他们始终相信我并帮助我成为一个更好的人)

Thank you for listening to my speech. (谢谢大家听我的演讲)

本文标题:英语演讲稿my family_托福万能英语作文4篇
