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推荐人:admim 时间: 2023-09-18 22:40:37 阅读: 次


前言: 关于”母爱“的英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:maternal love。以下是关于母爱的高中英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。

关于”母爱“的英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:maternal love。以下是关于母爱的高中英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:maternal love

(maternal love) there is a person who is very important in our life, she is our mother a few days ago, our school invited a famous person, a young speaker Yang Qingsong, he gave us a speech on maternal love, I still remember his words left a deep impression on many students, many students were listening carefully, tearful. I am also strict with his wonderful speech, which reminds me of my childhood when I was young. When I was depressed, the world seemed dark and empty.

When I got lost, it was my mother who made me cheer up and made the world suddenly bright and colorful. My mother held my hand and told me that everything would be better because of her, and I always felt happy and confident; I Thanks to my mother, she not only gave me the greatest love in the world, but also led me to success.


(母爱) 有一个人在我们的生活中非常重要,她就是我们的母亲 前几天,我们学校邀请了一位著名的人物,一位年轻的演说家杨青松,他给我们做了一个关于母爱的演讲,我还记得他的话给很多学生留下了深刻的印象,许多学生都在认真地听着,泪流满面。我对他的精彩演讲也很严格,这让我想起了我小时候的童年,当我情绪低落的时候,世界似乎是黑暗而空虚的当我迷路的时候,是我的母亲让我振作起来,让世界突然变得明亮多彩,妈妈握着我的手告诉我,一切都会因为她而变得美好,我总是感到幸福和自信;我感谢我的母亲,她不仅给了我世界上最伟大的爱,但她也带领我走上成功之路。


I got up late this morning and went to school without feeding my cat. When I came home in the afternoon, the cat almost died of hunger. They circled around me, crying for food.

I took out a fish and threw it to the cat. I wanted to see who was the first cat to catch the fish. Mother cat took it in her mouth and ran away quickly.

Instead of eating it, she put it down. Then she told her children there. Four hungry kittens began to eat fish.

But their mother just stayed there and looked at them tenderly. They didn't eat anything. I thought of my mother.

She often selflessly did everything for me. This is maternal love. I think of deep maternal love for every child Surrounded by deep maternal love, but we often turn a blind eye to love.

One day, I deeply felt love. One day, I came home to have lunch in a hurry after school. Because there was an exam in the afternoon, I wanted to go back to school early to prepare for the exam.

But when I got home, the lunch was not ready, and I was not happy when the food was served. I ran out of the house angrily and strolled in the street for a while, hungry Then I went into the claoom and went to school. I saw a lunch box on the table.

A classmate told me that it was brought by my mother. Later, I opened the box and found that my favorite food was wet in my eyes. My mother gave me love but did not ask for return.

How deep is the maternal love.





Those days of childhood when you came into the world, she held you in her arms you thank her by crying when you were one year old, she fed you, bathed you you thank her for crying all night when you were old, she taught you to walk when she called you, you thanked her by running away when you were old, she created everything you ate with love When you were old, she gave you some crayons … you thank her by coloring the dining table … when you were, she dressed you for your holiday … you thank her for plopping into the nearest pile of mud when you were, she accompanied you to school you thank her by screaming, I won't; when you were old, she bought you a baseball; you thank her by throwing it next door The window of your neighbor's house; when you are old, she hands you an ice cream; you thank her by dropping it on your knee; when you are, she pays for piano lessons; you thank her even too much to practice; when you are old, she drives you all day, from football to gymnastics to birthday parties one after another; you thank her by jumping out of the car When you were old, she took you and your friends to the movies you thank her by asking for a new row when you were old, she warned you not to watch certain TV programs your thanks were waiting for her to leave home ‰ those age years when you were suggested to have an increasingly fashionable haircut you thank her and tell her that she has no taste when you get her in You repay her by forgetting to write a letter when she is paid a month's salary in summer camp; when you are there, she comes home from work and wants a hug you thank her for locking your bedroom when you are teaching you how to drive her car you thank her for taking every opportunity when you are waiting for an important phone call you thank her, she cried at your high school graduation ceremony you feel Thank her for hanging out until dawn ‰ getting old and grey ‰ when you were young, she paid your college tuition, drove you to campus, carried your bag you thank her, say goodbye outside the dormitory, so you don't feel embarrassed in front of friends when you are asked if you have dated anyone you thank her and say, it's not your business.


童年的那些日子 当你来到这个世界时,她把你抱在怀里 你以哭泣来感谢她 当你xx岁时,她给你喂食给你洗澡 你感谢她整夜哭泣 当你岁时,她教你走路 当她打电话给你时,你以逃跑来感谢她 当你岁时,她创造了一切你用爱吃饭‰你以把盘子扔在地板上来感谢她ԡ当你岁时,她给你一些蜡笔…你以给餐桌涂颜色来感谢她…当你岁时,她给你穿衣服去度假…你感谢她扑通扑通一声掉进最近的一堆泥巴 当你岁时,她陪你去上学 你感谢她的方式是尖叫,我不去;你岁的时候,她给你买了一个棒球;你感谢她的方式是把它扔进隔壁邻居家的窗户;当你岁时,她递给你一个冰淇淋;你感谢她的方式是把它滴在你的膝盖上;当你岁时,她付了钢琴课的钱;你感谢她,甚至连练习都懒得练习;当你岁时,她整天送你,从足球到体操,到一个又一个的生日聚会;你对她的感恩,是从车里跳出来,再也不回头看一眼;当你岁时,她带你和你的朋友去看电影 你感谢她的方式是要求换一排坐 当你岁时,她警告你不要看某些电视节目 你的感谢是等到她离开家‰那些十几岁的岁月 当你被她建议剪一个越来越时髦的发型 你感谢她,告诉她她没有品位当你得到她在夏令营一个月的薪水时,你对她的报答是忘了写一封信;当你在的时候,她下班回家,想要一个拥抱 你感谢她把你的卧室门锁上 当你是她教你如何驾驶她的车 你感谢她抓住一切可能的机会 当你在等一个重要的电话 你感谢她时,她在你的高中毕业典礼上哭了 你感谢她是因为在外面聚会直到黎明‰变老变灰‰当你小的时候,她付了你的大学学费,送你去校园,提着你的包 你感谢她,在宿舍外面说再见,这样你就不会在朋友面前感到尴尬 当你被问到你有没有和任何人约会 你感谢她说,这不是你的业务。

